Current by-laws of the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees [Faculty Handbook 11.E.1.(b)]


The Senate shall elect a Committee on Committees consisting of five members elected for staggered terms in such a manner that not more than two members will be elected in any one year.  They must have been members of the faculty for at least five years and hold tenure.  Members of the Committee will be nominated from the floor and elected by the Senate.


In its nominations, the Committee on Committees will consider broad and balanced representation for the entire University.


In carrying out its function of providing nominations, the Committee will seek information from chairs of departments, deans, directors, and others who have a wide knowledge and acquaintance of faculty personnel.  Final nominations, however, will be made by the Committee on Committees and the Senate.






Proposed by-laws of the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees

To include a Conflict of Interest Policy Statement for the Committee on Committees members


The Senate shall elect a Committee on Committees consisting of five members elected for staggered terms in such a manner that not more than two members will be elected in any one year.  They must have been members of the faculty for at least five years and hold tenure.


The Committee on Committees will strive to maintain an open and objective perspective related to filling vacant positions on the various University and campus councils and committees.


Members of the Committee on Committees should consider a balanced and broad representation for the entire university and should seek input from chairs of departments, directors, and others who have a wide knowledge and acquaintance of faculty personnel.  Final nominations, however, will be made by the Committee on Committees and the Senate.


Current members of the Committee on Committees should not be nominated for vacant positions on the various University and campus councils and committees.  A member should recuse him/herself from the selection process for a specific committee if s/he has a personal conflict of interest related to a candidate.