CBN: 770502



SBN: GS07-19

April 1, 2007




Whereas:          Climate change is an important issue to our generation and future generations. The issue must be addressed by the student body, faculty & staff, and the administration; and,


Whereas:          As a university we have influence in society, the capable minds and resources, and the diversity of skills needed to address the issue of climate change and accomplish the goal of carbon neutrality; and,


Whereas:         There is a compelling interest among the student body to see the issue addressed by student body leaders, faculty/staff, and the administration; and,


Whereas:         Student groups, faculty, and staff that are already in a position to help implement policies to reduce emissions, implement the use of clean, efficient energy, and seek other ways to accomplish the stated goal; and,


Whereas:         Currently, there is a campus-wide greenhouse gas emissions inventory being conducted that will calculate how much our campus emits as a whole, where these emissions come from, and in what areas we can make changes; and,


Whereas:         The University of Oklahoma should make it a goal to accomplish carbon neutrality by the year 2050; and,


Whereas:         The President's Climate Commitment, a nation-wide, multi-university effort toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions, provides the administration an opportunity to join other universities from around the country in joining a pledge to reduce campus' impacts on climate change; and,


Whereas:         UOSA recognizes and applauds the University of Oklahoma's successful involvement in the Chicago Climate Exchange and the Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative; and,



Let it therefore be resolved:



Section 1:         UOSA requests the establishment and implementation of the following long-term goals and solutions:


·          a University pledge of carbon neutrality by the year 2050

·          using 15% of electricity from purchased or produced renewable energy within the next two years

·          a 50% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025

·          a policy within the next two years stating that new campus buildings be built with U.S. Green Building Council's LEED standards

·          the ongoing implementation of policies that encourages students, faculty, and staff to use public transportation and encouraging bicycling and walking when commuting on and off campus

·          the ongoing purchase of hybrid, hybrid/electric, ethanol, biofuel and compressed natural gas for University fleet vehicles

·          increasing educational opportunities for students to learn about stewardship and the impact of consumption on the environment



Section 2:         UOSA requests the establishment implementation of the following short-term goals and solutions:


·          a Housing/Greek recycling/energy-use competition within the next year

·          a policy stating that all IT computers hibernate when they are not being used and that IT printing settings/properties be set to automatic two-sided printing within the next year

·          a policy that begins the installation of motion sensor/dimming lighting systems in campus buildings within the next year

·          a policy that requires that a portion of the printing paper bought by faculty and staff be recycled paper and that a price discount be negotiated with the supplier within the next year



Section 3:         Due to the longevity of this resolution, it is required that this bill be updated and reconsidered every two years by the legislative branch;



Section 4:         Copies of this resolution shall be sent to:


                       David L. Boren, President

                       Nicholas Hathaway, Vice President, Executive Affairs

                       Burr Milsap, Associate Vice President, Administrative Affairs

                       Don Carter, Assistant Director, Engineering and Systems Operations

                       Sue-Anna Miller, Assistant Director, Administration and Operations

                       Scott Davis, Assistant Director, Utilities

                       Theta Dempsey, Parking and Transportation Services

                       Kelly Watson, Architectural & Engineering

                       Greg Brezinski, Refuse & Recycling

                       Frank Reid, Electrical Engineer

                       Steve Long, Director of Energy Management

                       Deborah Dalton, Director of Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Environment

                       Student Media


Author:            Eric Pollard, External Affairs Committee

                       Rod Jahromi, Vice-Chair of UOSA

                       Jordan McGee, Secretary

                       Matt Felty, Chairman of Problems & Projects Committee

                       Tara Tannehill, Chairwoman of External Affairs Committee

                       Felipe Armaza, Projects and Problems Committee


Submitted in a motion: Rep. Gilliam, Seconded by Rep. Tannehill

Action taken by congress: Passed by Consent

Verified by Congress: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Submitted on a Motion by: Senator Yang, Seconded by Senator Goebbert

Action taken by Senate: Passed by Consent

Verified by Chair: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Approved by UOSA President: _______________________________ Date: ____________________