Issues for 2006-7 Faculty Senate


1.  Compensation for faculty and staff—Is this still the number one budget priority or should it be mediated by other campus-wide concerns, e.g. a lower student:faculty ratio?


2.  Benefits. 

a.  General:  Should we consider the total benefits package (health + retirement) rather than each of these separately?  Is a comparison of the total package to OU’s advantage in comparison to rest of conference? 

b.  Retirement.  Advantages/disadvantages of leaving OTRS. 

c.  Health care.  Should OU pay for some/all of dependent coverage?  Possibility of “catastrophic” health insurance.


3.  Reapportionment of Senate.  How to include OU-Tulsa?  Formation of their own version of faculty senate?


4.  Political activities in OK state legislature with impact on education in Oklahoma.

a.  Evolution/Creationism


c.  Textbook policy re HB2380, which changes the textbook system


5.  Expanded grade scale (task force has been formed to bring recommendations to the Senate).


6.  Streamline research compliance procedures.


7.  Parking and transportation for South Campus facilities.