JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY SENATE The University of Oklahoma (Norman campus)Regular session - May 5, 1997 - 3:30 p.m. - Jacobson Faculty Hall 102

office: Jacobson Faculty Hall 206 phone: 325-6789 FAX: 325-6782e-mail: web site:

The Faculty Senate was called to order by Professor Rick Tepker, Chair.

PRESENT: Albert (1), Baker (3), Benson (0), Blank (1), Bremer (1), Civan (2), Dillon (1), Durica (0), Egle (3), Elisens (3), Emery (0), Fiedler (0), Fung (0), Gana (0), Gilje(0), B.Greene (3), E.Greene (3), Harris (1), Holmes (0), Horrell (2), Hughes (1), Hutchison (0), Kinzie (2), Konopak (1), Laird (2), Lancaster (1), Murphy (1), Norwood (0), Patten (0), Patterson (0), Reynolds (1), St.John (2), Sipes (1), Tepker (0), VanGundy (2), Wenk (0), Williams (3)

Provost's office representative: Mergler

PSA representatives: Iselin, Spencer

ABSENT: Gupta (3), Hillyer (3), Hobbs (1), Joyce (2), C.Knapp (2), F. Lee (3), Palmer (2), Ramsey (2), Shaughnessy (2), Smith (4), Stoltenberg (1), Thulasiraman (2), Wahl(2), Wallach(4)

[NOTE: During the period June 1996 to May 1997, the Senate held 9 regular sessions and no special sessions. The figures in parentheses above indicate the number of absences.]




Schedule of Senate meetings for 1997-98 and list of new senators 2

Summary of Speakers Service program 2

Faculty retirees 2

Regent Stephen Bentley 2

Library journal subscriptions 2

Senate Chair's Report: Senate accomplishments 4

Election, councils/committees/boards 5

Committee revisions 5

Student jury duty 5

Day care center 6

Election, Senate Secretary and Chair-Elect 7

Election, Senate standing committees 7

Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation 8

Resolution of Appreciation to Prof. Rick Tepker 8



The Senate Journal for the regular session of April 14, 1997, was approved.


The regular meetings of the Faculty Senate for 1997-98 will be held at 3:30p.m. in Jacobson Faculty Hall 102 on the following Mondays: September 8, October 13, November 10, December8, January 12, February 9, March 16, April 13, and May 4.

Summary of the activities of the Speakers Service for the past year:

The Faculty Senate office assumed responsibility for coordinating the program for 1996-97 and arranged a record number of programs. From May 1996 to April 1997, 57 faculty and staff were scheduled for 84 programs to 42 organizations throughout the state. These speakers from OU gave programs to groups such as high school honors classes, business and civic clubs, and church discussion groups in communities ranging from Walters to Pryor. The Faculty Senate and the University sincerely appreciate the members of the Speakers Service who share their expertise and knowledge with the people of Oklahoma.

The Faculty Senate thanks the following faculty who retired during the past academic year for their dedication and contribution to our community: Marvin Baker (Geography), Tom Boyd (Philosophy), Bob Foote (Industrial Engineering), Arnulf Hagen (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Howard Haines (Zoology), David Jaffe (Journalism & Mass Communication), Paul Kleine (Educational Psychology), Thomas Miller (Psychology), and David Stearns (Geology & Geophysics).

Prof. Tepker introduced Mr. Stephen Bentley, Chair of the OU Board of Regents, and welcomed him to the meeting.

Library journal subscriptions

Professors Pat Weaver-Meyers, Acting Director of Information Management and Delivery (Library), Joe Rodgers (Psychology), Chair of the University Libraries Committee, and Wilbur Stolt, Director of Access Services (Library), were present to answer questions about library journal subscriptions (see 4/97 Senate Journal, page 3).

Prof. Weaver-Meyers reported that in the last ten years, serials prices have gone up 138%, but the library budget has not kept pace. The library has been able to keep from cutting serials titles by spending less money on books. Many other libraries have been cutting serials titles in recent years. The cost of serials has increased from $1.8 million in 1992/93 to $2.6 million in 1996/97. Next year, the cost would be $3 million if we continue the current subscriptions. The library is trying to solve the problem by substituting electronic access. Chemistry and Engineering have been asked to substitute electronic formats for titles that cost over $2000. Site licenses will be purchased to various document delivery vendors, and users will be provided free access. Other universities that have undertaken this have found costs run one-third to one-half the subscription cost. Some advantages of electronic access are that it provides access to more titles for less money, allows access from home or office, is becoming more available and will be the common future format, and the cost is based on usage, not time on the shelf. Next year, Zoology, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy, and Botany & Microbiology will be targeted. Areas selected are those with a substantial number of titles priced at $2000 or more and can be provided cost effectively through electronic format. Some of the disadvantage of electronic access are the potential loss of archival access and lack of on-site paper format, particularly for undergraduates. In addition, it is not cost effective for reasonably priced titles and may be subject to cost increases for copyright. This is a temporary solution to escalating serials prices because the cost savings probably will not continue. Some of the savings will be applied to the continuing subscription increases.

Prof. Egle asked whether journals can be purchased individually or whether the subscription is for a package. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said any article in any journal can be purchased, but some publishers are limiting electronic access to some titles. Prof. Holmes said he thought the question was whether we have to buy a package of journals from a vendor or could request only certain journals when we hire a document delivery vendor. Prof. Weaver-Meyers answered that a site license gives us a negotiated reduced rate on articles. We pay a set rate for gateway access and a pre-negotiated $6.50 per article for the copyright. Prof. Patten asked whether it was possible to block access to journals that are not cost-effective. He commented that some faculty think the data being collected on journal usage are skewed. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said there are ways to block access. Within the current time frame, there is no practical way to de-skew the data being collected. The longer the library compiles information, the better the data will be.

Prof. Sipes noted the large access charges for some articles. He asked about a way to control how many times a journal is accessed. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said she is checking with vendors to find out what kind of blocking software they are developing. Prof. Sipes said he is concerned what the budget would look like without a cap. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said it is possible to spend more for document delivery than paper formats, but other universities have found that is not the situation. Prof. Blank asked how many other universities are collecting data. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said Louisiana State University is the only one with long-term data (since 1992). The University of Kansas and the University of Nebraska are embarking on this kind of project. Noting that the data are not statistically valid, Prof. Sipes asked about monitoring provisions. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said the library has been looking at jounal usage just since October, and extensive information is being collected. Prof. Stolt pointed out that until recently, there was no other option when the paper subscription was cut. When asked about text documents, Prof. Weaver-Meyers said they are delivered by facsimile right now; by fall the library hopes to be able to provide those documents electronically. Prof. Lancaster asked about the FAX resolution. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said the library is getting some new high resolution FAX machines. Prof. Hutchison explained that certain fields will need high resolution color printers. Prof. Weaver-Meyers pointed out that one of the physics professors prefers electronic format for some journals because it provides access to full data bases. Prof. Durica said electronic format does not provide access to the whole journal, just subject headings or abstracts. Prof. Weaver-Meyers mentioned that some journals will only be available in electronic format in the future. Prof. Patten asked whether we need more money to subsidize our holdings. He suggested that this is only a temporary panacea because publishers will respond by increasing costs. Prof. Weaver-Meyers proposed some other strategies: faculty could refuse to sign over the copyright to the publisher and could quit publishing articles in expensive journals. Prof. Patten said he has to publish in certain journals, and they demand that he sign over his copyright. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said all faculty could refuse to sign over the copyright, go to publishers who guarantee low prices, and set up a board to take control.

Prof. Albert asked for further information about the funding problem. Prof. Weaver-Meyers said it is a cumulative problem. For the last two years, the library received an increase of about $400,000 each year. If the library continues to ask for enough to sustain current subscription prices, it will be asking for an annual increase of over $1 million. Provost Mergler said she had given the library permission to run a deficit this year. The library has had a 15-20% increase each year for the past five years. Prof. Blank said it is ironic that OU is spending millions of dollars to help the Athletic Department, while our library is ranked 64th out of 65 research libraries in terms of library expenditures.

Prof. Murphy asked about the fraction of subscriptions that would go electronic and whether cost was the major factor. Prof. Weaver-Meyers answered that the library is targeting departments that have expensive titles. About 10% of the titles, which represents about 60% of the funds, will be electronic. Chemistry and Engineering were asked to review the list of expensive titles and recommend which ones could be provided electronically. Prof. Lancaster explained that in biological sciences, the expensive journals contain a lot of photos that cannot be delivered well electronically. Prof. Weaver-Meyers responded that Physics & Astronomy, Zoology, Mathematics, and Botany & Microbiology should experiment for a year. As of January, electronic access will be substituted for the journals Chemistry and Engineering have identified. The other four units will formulate a list of journals to be canceled as of January 1999. Prof. Durica pointed out that some journals fall under the Chemistry budget but are used by other units. He asked whether there would be any attempt to poll other departments. Prof. Weaver-Meyers answered no, but they will have electronic access. It is not the library's aim to make it harder for faculty to get research done, but there is a limit to what we can afford.

Senate Chair's Report, by Prof. Rick Tepker

Prof. Tepker summarized the year by saying the Faculty Senate is a highly productive and professional organization. This year, the Senate undertook the Conflict of Interest policy and came up with a better balance between University and individual interests. The Senate also voted in new standards for faculty evaluation. Some sensitive, important discussions were begun on the post-tenure review issue. Several computer issues were examined: Internet, e-mail, campus rights and responsibilities, and dual news feeds. To a great extent, a balance was struck between faculty and administrative interests. In the case of e-mail, the decision was made to wait to adopt a policy and request further study by General Counsel. The Senate addressed committee charges like Equal Opportunity, Environmental Concerns, and Goddard. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee had candid discussions with the administration and spoke for the primacy of the academic mission. In the first joint meeting of the Executive Committee, President and Athletic Director, the Executive Committee emphasized that the Athletic Department cannot continue to take money from the general budget. The Senate stood for academics in the endorsement of pre-finals week and the syllabus requirement. Finally, the Senate's recommendation that the mission statement be optional on business cards was approved. Prof. Tepker said he was closing out this year with some degree of pride and relief.


The Senate approved the Senate Committee on Committees' nominations for end-of-the-year vacancies on university and campus councils, committees, and boards (Appendix I). A number of vacancies also will be filled by the President's office.


The Senate Committee on Committees proposed some revisions in committees at last month's meeting (see 4/97 Senate Journal, page 2 and Appendix I). Prof. Dillon explained that the Committee on Committees was trying to streamline the committee structure. The Equal Opportunity Committee would be replaced by a joint Faculty Senate/Presidential task force. Parallel changes would be made in the Athletics Council and Budget Council concerning the review of the Athletic Department budget, and gender equity would be added to the Athletics Council charge. Faculty for the Campus Disciplinary Council would come from a committee instead of being drawn from the Faculty Appeal Board. The Film Review Committee and Recreational Services Advisory Committee would be collapsed into the Council on Campus Life.

Prof. Fiedler proposed that the first paragraph read as follows (additions in bold; deletions in italics):

Eliminate the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE and recommend a joint Faculty Senate/Presidential task force to study the status of recruitment and retention of women and minorities and the compliance of the recruitment and retention procedures with the Equal Opportunity Policy of the University of Oklahoma. The task force will give a report to the Faculty Senate to make recommendations during the 1997-98 academic year.

He remarked that the Committee on Committees' recommendation was too vague, would give too much power to the task force, and would not make the task force accountable to the Faculty Senate. He read some news releases from the web about affirmative action policies and said the Faculty Senate should not relinquish control. Prof. Van Gundy said he believes we should give the same due consideration to equal opportunity as we do to gender equity in sports. Prof. Tepker remarked that before the Senate assumes there is a divisive issue, the body should pay attention to the words. There is nothing in the committee recommendation that commits us to affirmative action policies, and there is nothing in Prof. Fiedler's motion to abolish affirmative action policies. There is a certain symbolic importance to the issue, but there are no words that are binding or enforceable. Prof. Fiedler's amendment was approved on a voice vote. The committee recommendations as amended were approved on a voice vote.


Prof. Tepker explained that the proposed revisions in the Faculty Handbook concerning student jury duty would include language that would comply with a recently passed statute (see 4/97 Senate Journal, page 2 and Appendix II). The Senate Executive Committee recommended approval but intended to ask General Counsel to clarify certain details. For example, what accommodation would be required for a long four-month trial. The revisions were approved on a voice vote.

DAY care center

Prof. Tepker explained that some concerns had been expressed about the difficulty of getting enrollment in the OU day care center. About 30% of the children are members of the Norman community. The Faculty Welfare Committee recommended a proposal, which the Executive Committee modified slightly.


The University of Oklahoma built its day care center, Children's World, and then leased it to a private contractor to operate for twenty years. Since it opened, Children's World has accepted children of OU faculty, staff, and students and of the Norman community. As of February 1997, 30% of the children enrolled were members of the Norman community, 38% were children of OU students, 17% were children of OU staff, and only 14% were of OU faculty.

At this time, Children's World has a waiting list hundreds of names long. Some OU faculty and staff members have had their children's names on the waiting list for more than a year and not succeeded in getting them enrolled.


Children's World shall notify members of the Norman community who have children enrolled at Children's World, but who are not employed by the University of Oklahoma, that as of August 1, 1997, Children's World will begin to give priority to the children of OU employees and students. To the extent necessary to provide care for those OU faculty, staff, and student children on the waiting list, members of the Norman community who are not employed by or enrolled at the University will have lower priority on an annual basis at the time of enrollment.

Prof. Tepker said the proposal was designed to require the center to give notice that a child may have lower priority for the next year; it does not mean bumping a child mid-year. Prof. Benson asked why the center was opened up to the community originally. Prof. Tepker said there was a concern about filling the center. When asked about protecting student priority, Prof. Fran Ayres, Faculty Welfare Committee Chair, said students, faculty, and staff have equal priority. The intent of the proposal is to give priority to people affiliated with the University. Prof. Sipes asked about the possibility of expanding the center and determining how many on the waiting list were affiliated with OU. Prof. Kinzie asked for more information about the 20-year lease. Prof. Tepker said it was his understanding that the lease was up for re-negotiation this year. Prof. Ayres said the University is the governing body and re-negotiates certain aspects of the lease each year, but the center is managed by a private business. Prof. Van Gundy questioned whether the University could be subject to a lawsuit. Prof. Tepker said he viewed this as an expression of Senate sentiment; General Counsel will have to take into account any prospective liability.

Prof. St. John asked how employed or enrolled OU employees and students would have to be to have priority. Prof. Ayres said she did not know those details. Prof. Durica pointed out that the non-profit center is also full, so there is a need for more day care. Prof. Patten noted that the Campus Planning Council is looking at the safety of that non-profit facility. If it is shut down, the pressure will grow on the University's center. Prof. Hutchison recommended approval of the proposal and requested the Faculty Welfare Committee to look into these questions, so issues could be addressed with facts in hand in the future. Prof. Benson urged the Senate to vote against the proposal. He said it is not clear whose interests we are taking into account. Children who already are in the center should retain their priority; the cap should be for any new children. Prof. Ayres commented that under the current policy, if a child is enrolled in the center, subsequent children in the family have priority. Prof. Dillon said the Executive Committee was concerned about bumping children already in the center. Prof. Ayres said another concern was that the Norman community should not be allowed enrollment for an indefinite number of years when there is a waiting list for the OU community. Prof. Holmes commented that the center could be considered a part of the benefits package for OU employees. Prof. Benson said his concern was how to bring it about. Prof. Williams asked if there had been any discussion about how to expand the facility, given it is self-supporting. Prof. St. John observed that it is not self-supporting because the tuition does not pay for the cost of the building. The recommendation was approved on a voice vote.

Election of Senate Secretary and Chair-Elect for 1997-98

Prof. Trent Gabert (Health and Sport Sciences) was elected Secretary, and Prof. Lex Holmes (Economics) was elected Chair-Elect of the Senate for 1997-98.


Prof. Fiedler asked how the names are picked for the Executive Committee. Prof. Tepker said by custom, the chair-elect selects the slate. Prof. Dillon said she asked the current Executive Committee and Committee on Committees for input. Prof. Fiedler asked whether the nominees could say what they think is important to do next year. Prof. Dillon responded that the issues that will come before the Executive Committee next year are post-tenure review, funding of athletics, faculty evaluation, and conflict of interest, so she put together a slate of people who are knowledgeable in those issues. She also tried to get a diverse committee and people with different perspectives. Prof. Fung said he had suggested that she have representation from engineering and law because of the issues coming up. Prof. Tepker thanked the outgoing Executive Committee members for their contributions and suggestions.

The following faculty were elected to fill vacancies on Senate standing committees:

Executive Committee

To replace Bing Fung, Paul Gilje, and DeeAnn Wenk, 1997-98 term.

Hugh Benson (Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy)

Ruth Gana (Associate Professor of Law)

William Patten (Associate Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)

Committee on Committees

Continuing members: Michelle Hanna (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and Roy Knapp (Petroleum and Geological Engineering).

To replace Drew Kershen and Eleanor Weinel, 1997-00 term:

Victor Hutchison (George Lynn Cross Research Professor of Zoology)

Susan Laird (Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies)

To complete E. L. Lancaster's 1997-99 term:

Richard Gipson (Professor and Director of Music)

Committee on Faculty Compensation

Continuing members: Gary Emery (Finance), Susan Vehik (Anthropology), and Lee Willinger (Accounting).

To replace Andy Magid and Robert Smith, 1997-00 term:

J. R. Cruz (Professor of Electrical Engineering)

Andy Magid (George Lynn Cross Research Professor of Mathematics)

Committee on Faculty Welfare

Continuing members: Fran Ayres (Accounting), Donald Pisani (History), and Kenneth Wedel (Social Work).

To replace Joyce Palomar and Kay Womack, 1997-00 term:

Joyce Palomar (Professor of Law)

Duane Stock (Professor and Director of Finance)

Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation

Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following outgoing senators who completed full three-year terms (1994-97): Donald Baker, Carolyn Bremer, Ellen Greene, James Horrell, Victor Hutchison, Susan Laird, Fred Lee, Lotsee Patterson, Bret Wallach, DeeAnn Wenk, and T.H. Lee Williams. Certificates were also presented to the other senators whose terms were expiring and to the outgoing members of the Senate Executive Committee.


The Faculty Senate unanimously approved the following resolution of appreciation to Prof. Rick Tepker, outgoing Senate Chair:



Prof. Connie Dillon presented a certificate of appreciation and an engraved clock to Prof. Tepker. Prof. Dillon then assumed the office of 1997-98 Senate Chair.


The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. The next regular session of the Senate will be held at 3:30p.m. on Monday, September 8, 1997, in Jacobson Faculty Hall 102.


Alexander Holmes, Secretary


Sonya Fallgatter, Administrative Coordinator


Appendix I



Katharine Leigh (Interior Design)

Susan Postawko (Meteorology)


Gordon Uno (Botany & Microbiology)

Gerard Walschap (Mathematics)

ATHLETICS COUNCIL (three-year term):

Richard Marshment (Regional & City Planning)

Craig St. John (Sociolgy)


Lex Holmes (Economics)

BUDGET COUNCIL (three-year term):

Gwenn Davis (English)

Roger Rideout (Music)


Sally Faulconer (Music)

Ronald Keith Gaddie (Political Science)

Mack Reynolds (Law)

David Swank (Law)

Laurette Taylor (Health & Sport Sciences)

Cameron Wesson (Anthropology)

CAMPUS PLANNING COUNCIL (three-year term):

Penny Hopkins (Zoology)

Claren Kidd (Univ. Libraries)

CAMPUS TENURE COMMITTEE (three-year term):

Susan Caldwell (Art)

Joanna Rapf (English)


Ronald Keith Gaddie (Political Science) to complete Bob Foote's 1996-12/97 term


Karen Rupp-Serrano (Univ. Libraries)

Russell Usnick (Regional & City Planning)

COUNCIL ON CAMPUS LIFE (three-year term):

Susan Marcus-Mendoza (Human Relations)


John Skvarla (Botany & Microbiology)


Anne Reynolds (Instr. Lead. & Acad. Curr.)


Virginia Milhouse (Human Relations)

FACULTY APPEALS BOARD (four-year term):

Robert Cox (Political Science)

Herman Curiel (Social Work)

Ola Fincke (Zoology)

Gus Friedrich (Communication)

Heidi Karriker (Modern Lang., Lit. & Ling.)

Peter Lamb (Meteorology)

David London (Geology & Geophysics)

Michael Mares (Zoology)

FACULTY APPEALS BOARD (four-year term) [continued]:

Virginia Milhouse (Human Relations)

Mark Morrissey (Geography)

Dan O'Hair (Communication)

Joanna Rapf (English)

Jerry Weber (Educ. Lead. & Pol. St.) to complete David Jaffe's 1995-99 term


Jane Magrath (Music)

FILM REVIEW COMMITTEE (two-year term):

Neera Badhwar (Philosophy)


Lotsee Patterson (Library & Info. St.)

Regina Sullivan (Zoology)

HONORS COUNCIL (three-year term):

Bret Wallach (Geography)


Tim Ragan (Educ. Psychology)

Wilbur Stolt (Univ. Libraries)

LEGAL PANEL (three-year term):

Jerry Parkinson (Law)

David Swank (Law)


Richard Resco (Mathematics)


Drew Kershen (Law)

PUBLICATIONS BOARD (three-year term):

John Konopak (Instr. Lead. & Acad. Curr.)

RESEARCH COUNCIL (three-year term):

Kelvin Droegemeier (Meteorology) [physical sciences]

John Fletcher (Botany & Microbiology) [biological sciences]

Dipankar Ghosh (Accounting) [other]

Daniel Resasco (Chem. Engr. & Matr. Sci.) [engineering]


Pam Fry (ILAC)

Ken Stephenson (Music)

ROTC ADVISORY COMMITTEE (three-year term):

Stephen Sloan (Political Science)

Deborah Trytten (Computer Science)

SPEAKERS BUREAU (three-year term):

Theodore Drab (Interior Design)


Allan Kinzie (Dance)


David Durica (Zoology)

William Ortiz-Leduc (Botany & Microbiology)


Valerie Watts (Music)


Andy Miller (Mathematics)