Faculty Senate Proposal
(additions underlined; deletions crossed through)



Pre-finals week will be defined as the seven calendar days before the first day of finals. Faculty may cover new course material throughout this week.

No more than five percent of student's grade may be assigned and assessed during pre-finals week.

4.10.1 Student-Faculty Policies and Information

(a) Assignments, examinations, or projects worth less than 10 percent of a student's grade may be assigned at any time prior to pre-finals week and may be due the day before finals begin. during pre-finals week. However, no assignments, examinations, or projects may be due on the last two days of pre-finals week.

(b) Assignments, take-home examinations, or in-class examinations, or projects worth more than 10 percent of a student's grade must be scheduled at least 30 days prior to the first day of finals Projects may be due and exams given up to the day before finals begin. but must be due prior to pre-finals week. Any assignment that is to take the entire semester to complete may be accepted or presented during pre-finals week provided the syllabus explicitly states that the assignment can be turned in prior to pre-finals week. In-class presentation of semester assignments due before pre-finals week may be scheduled for any day other than the last two days of pre-finals week.

(c) Special case deviations from this policy must be clearly stated in the course syllabus and approved by the chair of the department through which the course is offered.

(d) Special requests made by a student for an extension of assignment deadlines into prep-week may be granted subject to the discretion of the instructor.

This policy applies only to 16-week courses during the spring and fall semesters.

4.10.2 This policy excludes make-up assignments, make-up tests, and laboratory examinations. and out-of-class-assignments (or projects) made prior to pre-finals week. It also does not apply to excludes final examinations for classes meeting one day a week for more than one hour with a start time before 5:00 p.m. and evening classes.

All University laboratory classes are exempt from this policy.

4.10.3 No University of Oklahoma Student Association (UOSA) organization may hold meetings, banquets, or receptions or sponsor or participate in any activity, program, or related function that requires student participation during pre-finals week.

4.10.4 Violations to this policy should be reported to the chair of the department in which the course is taught or, in special circumstances, to the dean of the college and may be grounds for grade appeal.

This policy shall remain in force until reviewed no sooner than 2006.