March 25, 2008




March 30, 2008




Whereas:          The faculty handbook allows, in Section 4.10.1.A, assignments, examinations, or projects worth less than ten (10) percent of a student's grade to be assigned at any time prior to pre-finals week and may be due during pre-finals week provided that no assignments, examinations, or projects may be due on the last two days of pre-finals week.


Whereas:          The faculty handbook requires, in Section 4.10.1.B, that assignments, take-home examinations, in-class examinations, or projects worth more than ten (10) percent of a student's grade must be scheduled at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of finals and must be due or given prior to pre-finals week. Any assignment that is to take the entire semester to complete may be accepted or presented during pre-finals week provided the syllabus explicitly states that the assignment can be turned in prior to pre-finals week. In-class presentation of semester assignments due before pre-finals week may be scheduled for any day other than the last two days of pre-finals week.


Whereas:          The faculty handbook allows, in Section 4.10.1.C, special case deviations from this policy, provided that they be clearly stated in the course syllabus and approved by the chair of the department through which the course is offered.


Whereas:          The current regulations as outlined in Sections 4.10.1 A, B, and C of the faculty handbook, which guide pre-finals week, are detrimental to the academic growth of students.


Therefore let it be resolved that:


Section 1:         The University of Oklahoma Student Association (UOSA) urges the Faculty Senate to amend the faculty handbook to include the language outlined in Sections two through four.


Section 2:         Replace “ten (10) percent” in the current section 4.10.1.A with “five (5) percent.”


Section 3:         Replace “ten (10) percent” in the current section 4.10.1.B with “five (5) percent.”


Section 4:         Delete section 4.10.1.C



Section 5:         Copies of this Congressional Resolution shall be sent to the following:


David L. Boren, President, University of Oklahoma

Nancy Mergler, Senior Vice President and Provost, University of Oklahoma


Author: Assoc. Josh Martin, Chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee

                        Rep. Frank Wood, Vice-Chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee

                        Rep. Grant Frankfurt, Humanities

                        Rep. Sarah Greenwalt, Social Sciences

                        Rep. Olayemi Harris, Engineering

                        Rep. Matt Gress, Social Sciences


Submitted on a Motion by:


Action taken by Congress:



Verified by Chair:________________________________________Date:_________


Submitted on a Motion by:


Action taken by Senate:


Verified by Chair:________________________________________Date:_________



Approved by UOSA President:_______________________________Date:_________



Printing funded by UOSA.