Sound & Video

If you want to add sound or movies within html, insert them just like a picture using the <A HREF> tag.

(Or, if you are using Netscape Composer, you can add html via Insert / HTML Tag.)


For this sound . . .
the HTML source looks like  <A HREF="">applause</A>
(Of course, must be uploaded to your server space just like .html and .gif files.)


There are two ways to add movies. The first plays a movie on a separate page.

The HTML source for adding the QuickTime movie "quayle.qt" is <A HREF="quayle.qt">quayle</A>
(Again, the movie must also be saved to the website's server space.)

This method requires the users to click on the browser's back button to continue with the page.

View this movie now. Then hit the back button to come back here.

Not very polished, eh?

You can add a movie that opens in a window with other elements on the same page

by inserting the following HTML tag:
<EMBED SRC="quayle.qt"
         PLUGINSPAGE="" WIDTH=192

Want to see a movie that opens in the same window and another HTML tip?

Yes, I do.