UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION GRADUATE STUDENT SENATE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MINUTES September 8, 2013 7:00 P.M. Sarkeys Energy Center, Room A235, Conference Rom Call to Order Chair - Jerry Overton 7:01 P.M. Reading and Approval of the Minutes: Move to approve Sen. 45, second Sen. 46. No objections, minutes of August 25, 2013 meeting approved. Officer Reports: . Chair - The chair has recieved a letter from Lester Asamoah who serves in the Executive Office of the President as the special advisor on Higher Education. President Ezeugo has commissioned Lester to chair a committee that will explore ways to use a student activity fee surplus, and he needs 2 to 3 members from Graduate Student Senate interested in serving on this committee. I would appreciate it if two or three members of the Senate will voluneer for this committee. I think it is in our best interests as graduate students to have some input on how the money will be appropriated. If anyone is interested see me after the meeting is over. . Vice Chair - NR . Secretary - NR Committee Reports: . Academic Affairs – NR . Development & Philanthropy - NR . External Affairs - NR . Human Diversity - NR . Internal Affairs - NR . Problems & Projects - NR . Public Relations - NR . Ways & Means - NR Special Orders: . Open to student concerns - The Chair opens the floor for any student concerns or issues not on the agenda to come before this body. There are none we move on to the issue of electing the GSS Secretary. . Nomination for GSS Secretary - It has come to the attention of the Chair, that bylaws for officer elections require that all candidates come before the Executive committee for a 15 minute interview. Since we have just recieved the nominations for secretary and have not had a chance to meet with them as required, this issue will not be brought before the general assembly this evening. The Vice Chair and Chair will schedule a time to meet with the two nominees in the next week and a half. We will then formally present them to the general assembly for the vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Chair Jerry Overton - Because we have only tonight created our committees and selected chairs for these committees, it has been impossible for the executive committee to meet and take action on the two pieces of legislaton listed on tonight's agenda. With this in mind the chair will entertain a motion and a second to bring GF13-02 and GF13-03 to the floor for consideration. Senator 28 moves to bring the legislation to the floor, second Sen. 46, no objections and the two bills are moved to the floor for Senate consideration. . GF13-02 “An Act Appointing an SGA Election Chair” - J.O. - the chair will entertain a motion to open discussion on this piece of legislation. Sen. 45 moves to open discussion, second Sen.5, no objections GF13-02 is now on the floor for discussion. Sen. 54, Has this bill been posted on the internet for review by members of the Senate? Vice Chair Pavlowsk - No it has not. Sen. 54 moves to table the bill until the next regular meeting of the general assembly to allow the bill to be posted and reviewed by Senate members. Second Sen. 38. No objections, the legislaton is tabled unil the next meeting. . GF13-03 “An Act Appointing SGA Executive Branch Directors” Sen. 54 moves to bring GF13-03 to the floor for discussion, second Sen. 95. No objection, the bill is brought to the floor for discussion and the chair turns the floor over to SGA President Enest Ezeugo, author of the bill. E.E. - Thank you for having me this evening. Here are my choices for for my director positions and I want to introduce them by name: Matt Epting | Department of Communications ? Patrick McSweeney | Department of Exterior ? Taylor Gardner | Department of Development ? Katherine Colclazier | Department of Interior ? Kellie Reidlinger | Department of International Affairs ? Johnie Hill | Department of Student Organizations These are my choices for directors and I could not be more confident in their abilities to help us move forward this year. I hope you will confirm them this evening. I yield the rest of my time to questions. J.O. - Are there any questions for Ernest or the candidates? How were the candidates chosen? E.E. - We have an open application process for our cabinet, on the application you have a box to check that indicates your desire to become a director. From the people who checked yes on that, went reviewed their credentials, their campus involvement and a couple other things and made decisions from there. J.O. - If there are no other questions, the chair will entertain a motion to confirm these appointments. Sen. 45 move to confirm by unanimous consent, second Sen. 46. Objections, there are none, the candidates are confirmed by uanimous consent. Old Business: New Business: Announcements: . Next meeting 9/22/13 Sarkeys Energy Center, Room A235 7:00 p.m., please remember we will begin with committee meetings at 6:30. Adjournment Moveto adjourn Sen. 46, second Sen. 33. Objections, there being none the meeting is adjourned. 7:15 p.m. Printing funded by SGA