Pilot Study Results

        Demographic results of note included the respondents' overall impressions of the global newscasts and the time elapsed since the respondents last viewed one of the three global newscasts.  The largest number of respondents (42.4%) stated their overall impression of the newscasts was fair, and 39.4% stated their impression was good.  The remaining perceptions of excellent, poor and no opinion tied at 6.1% each.  Respondents who have seen the newscasts in the last six months formed the majority at 51.5%.  Over the last seven to 12 months, 15.2% viewed the newscasts, and 33.3% have not seen the newscasts in more than a year.
        To determine if there was a significant difference between goal-driven versus ritualized/habitual viewing behaviors for all respondents, the mean scores of the two composite variables were compared. Goal-driven viewing behaviors had a mean of 2.78, while ritualized/habitual viewing behaviors scored a mean of 2.68 (Table A). Then, a t-test was conducted to determine if the difference between these means was significant.  There is a significant difference (p ?.05) between goal-driven (t = 21.246, df = 32, p = .000) and ritualized/habitual viewing behaviors (t = 20.631, df = 32, p = .000).  Internal audience members are generally more likely to watch the newscasts in support of goals rather than just out of ritual/habit.
        Likewise, the mean scores of the information, moral support and escape motivation composites were compared.  Information motivation ranked the highest with a mean of 3.17.  Moral support had mean of 2.87, and escape had a motivation of 2.20. (Table B).  Three one-sample t-tests were run; they determined that there was a significant difference (p ?.05) between information (t = 18.840, df = 32, p = .000), moral support (t = 17.844, df - 32, p = .000), and escape (t = 14.284, df = 32, p = .000).  The internal audience is generally more motivated to watch the global newscasts for information, but is also, to a lesser degree, motivated by moral support and escape.
        To look at the differences between viewing motivation for overseas and stateside audiences, a comparison of mean scores between goal-driven and ritualized/habitual viewing behavior questions was run.  Overseas respondents had a goal-driven mean of 2.82, while stateside audiences had a mean of 2.77.  Stateside audiences had the higher mean for ritualized/habitual behaviors (M = 2.92), while the overseas audience had a mean of 2.32.  Overseas viewers are slightly more goal-driven than stateside viewers.  Likewise, stateside viewers are much more likely to watch out of habit/ritual than overseas viewers.
        The mean scores of information, moral support and escape motivation composite questions were also compared between stateside and overseas audiences.   For information, overseas audiences had a mean of 3.31, while stateside had a mean of 3.08.  Moral support had an overseas mean of 2.92, and a stateside mean of 2.83.  Finally, stateside audiences had an escape mean of 2.33, while overseas had a mean of 2.00 (Table C).  Generally, overseas audiences are more motivated by information and moral support, while stateside audiences are more motivated to watch for escape.