





      The logical argument in the preceding literature review is the basis of relevance for the following research questions:


R1: Do military orientated (or implied) motion pictures create awareness among potential recruits?

The preceding research is important in that it shows how motion pictures create public perceptions, which may influence the actions of individuals. Media consumption, to include motion pictures, are mainly purposeful, opposed to causal or unintentional, motivated by individuals’ needs or desires (Austin, 1986). The audiences view motion pictures with military themes or characters by choice. The perception created by films impacts individuals’ beliefs and behavior.

Motion pictures alone cannot contribute to a public perception about the military. There are numerous variables and existing attitudes that create an individual’s complete perception of the military. However, potential exposure may guide these cognitions and behaviors, since the audience receiving these messages are voluntary and already have a need and desire to be influenced.

As previous research has shown in a recent capstone project, “As the services’ total force decreases, less people are associated with the military, thus less people have direct knowledge of the military from which to form viable perceptions and opinions. Hence, people draw on the images presented to them through different media, specifically movies, to better understand and form opinions about the U.S. Armed Forces” (Trammell, Turner & Briggs, 2000).


R2: Does recruits' awareness towards military themed motion pictures contribute to their decision to enlist?

Once a perception is created in an individual, it may impact their behavior. Even if the movie does not necessarily portray the military in a positive light, the visual is important enough to impact an individual with a military message. This behavior may or may not result in an individual joining the military as a career. 

This research is necessary to determine if the military should increase its support and resources towards helping the motion picture industry. While the Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard all currently have offices solely dedicated to assisting with the motion picture industry, the offices' budget and personnel are at a minimum. If it is determined that motion pictures with military themes or characters create a greater public awareness of the military, resulting in positive recruiting results, the armed forces should re-examine its distribution of funds and personnel to assist with the motion picture industry. The military may decide money and personnel which are currently being used in the recruiting aspect should be diverted to increase the support of motion pictures. If research suggests the behavior patterns of the individuals do not result in an impact on recruiting, then no further resources and personnel should be distributed to assist with the motion picture industry.