
After the test is validated, the pre-test will be given to the sample population within 30 prior to receiving the intervention. The intervention includes the above mentioned briefings, brochures and videos. A post-test will be given to another sample of deployed servicemembers who received the intervention approximately two weeks after arriving in Saudi Arabia and/or Kuwait. The hypothesis of this research predicts the change in scores will reflect a greater knowledge of cultural awareness after receiving the intervention.

In summarizing the results of the survey, the first step is formulate a contingency table. The contingency table shows the levels of the independent or predicator variables as well as the possible combinations of response to questions on the survey (Sommer & Sommer, 1997). Data from the pre-test and post-test can be described using percentages which will illustrate the varying levels of cultural awareness among deploying servicemembers. Measuring the central tendency best characterizes the participants answers as a whole. To measure the distribution of scores, the mode will be used. In this case, the mode score will indicate the participants’ awareness of the culture in Southwest Asia (Sommer & Sommer, 1997).

Variability indicates the spread or dispersion in a set of scores (Sommer & Sommer, 1997). The range will measure the difference between the highest and lowest score of the participants’ answers to the survey’s questions and statements. Based on the outcome, the training plans can be altered in accordance with the level of cultural awareness.
