Appendix B.
Military Webmaster Questionnaire

1. Male or Female:

2. Age:

3. Indicate highest level of education completed (high school, 2, 4, 4+ years college)

4. Status (indicate one):  _____  Civilian    _____  Officer     _____  Enlisted

5. Did you personally ask to be a webmaster?

6. What is your career field?

7. How many years of government or military service do you have?

8. Do you work alone as a webmaster or as a team?  If you have a web team, how many people are on the team?

9. How did you receive your training to be a webmaster?  (Indicate all that apply)

____  self-taught     ____  contracted course or seminar     ____  military training     ____  civilian training

10. Which guidelines do you use as a webmaster?  (indicate all that apply)

____  Department of Defense         ____  Service specific        _____  Headquarters               _____ Unit

11. How many hours do you spend per week on your webmaster duties?

12. As a webmaster, which of all the following duties do you personally perform?  (Indicate all that
are applicable)

____  Writing text content         ____  Reviewing page for approval           ____  Security review

____  Design                             ____  Graphics         ____  Photos              ____  Update page

13. How often do you update your web pages?

14. How long have you been a webmaster?

15. Should the military provide formalized webmaster training?

16. What do you see as the value of a web pages?

17. Do you have a way of tracking the hits to your web page?  If so, give monthly estimate.

18. What type of equipment and software do you use?

19. Do you have procedures in place to conduct a security review?  (If so, describe those procedures.)

20. What are your thoughts on having a consolidated training course for all webmasters across the military?  (For instance, a CD-ROM, government contracted, or added to DINFOS.)

Additional Comments:  ________________________________________________________________________


Append A.
Append C.