Psy 2003                                              Project Outline                         Statistics

            The project should cover a meaningful social or medical topic.  The purpose of the project is to show how we can use statistics to shed light on an important topic.  The project is a group project and it should involve all members of your group.  The presentation should also involve all of the group members.  You will have about 10-15 minutes in class to talk about your topic and to show how statistics helped you better understand the topic. 

            Although the project is a group project, each group member is responsible for his/her write up.  The write up should follow as much as possible APA style (or equivalent style).  It should have a title page, an abstract, an introduction, data/results section, discussion, and conclusion.  I also expect you to have tables and figures, and a reference page.  The write up should consist of 5-6 double-spaced typed written pages (a title page, one page for the abstract, three for the body and one page for the references).  The body of the paper should cover the introduction, data/results, discussion, and conclusion.  The introduction should tell us a bit about the problem and why it is important.  The data/results section should summarize the findings that appear in tables or figures.  By the way, tables and figures do not count as pages, but they should be used to summarize or emphasize important points about the data.  You can use the tables and figures from the presentation.  Everyone can have the same figures and tables, but the description and interpretation of the tables must be your own.  The discussion should focus on the interpretation of the data, and comment of the strengths and weaknesses of the study.  The conclusion should tell me what you have learned from the project.


Title Page: (Title and  name)

Abstract  (Short summary covering the entire write up. It should be on a page by itself, and the page should be labeled.)

Introduction (Do not label this section. Use the introduction to describe and introduce the problem.)

Results (Present the data here, and describe the tables and figures.  Make sure to  label this section)

Discussion (Comment of the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Label this section)

            Conclusion (What have you learned from the study. Label this section)

            Reference Page (List your references on this page.  Also, label the page.)

Tables [Tables should be labeled (e.g., Table 1, Table 2) so you can refer to them on text.]

            Figures (Figures should also be labeled)