Psy 4753 Review Sheet for Test 2

The material here covers the class lectures and Aamodt's book-- Make sure that you know and understand the concepts and topics in this sheet. Call me or email me if you have questions. Good luck.

Chap 1: Statistical Review

  1. Research Methods
  2. Measures of Central Tendency (mean, Median, Mode)
  3. Measures of Variability (Variance, Standard Deviation, Range)
  4. Correlation (-1 to 1)- how well the line fits the data or the degree to which two variables are linearly related.
  5. Regression- the line that best fits the data.  How can regression be used in personnel selection?

Chap 3: Job Analysis & Criteria issues (Do not worry about the section on Job Evaluation)

  1. Criteria (Conceptual & Actual)
  2. Conceptual vs. Actual Criteria
  3. Criterion Deficiency, Relevance, Contamination
  4. Job Analysis (its purpose)
  5. Job-Oriented and Worker-Oriented job analysis procedures
  6. Techniques of Job Analysis (PAQ, CIT, etc.)
  7. Types of performance (task, contextual, adaptive, short-term, long-term)
  8. Standards for criteria (relevant, reliable, and valid)

Chap 4: Characteristics of Measurement Instruments

  1. Basic Measurement Model (X=T+E)
  2. Definition and concept of reliability
  3. The reliability as a ratio of two variances {variance(T) / [variance(T) + variance(E)]}
  4. Relationship between test length and reliability
  5. Relationship between variability in the group (population) & reliability (homogenous vs. heterogeneous groups)
  6. Different ways of estimating reliability (test-retest, parallel forms, KR20, alpha. Spearman-Brown formula, etc.)
  7. Validity (different ways of finding validity evidence: content, construct, criterion related--concurrent and predictive, etc.)
  8. Validity of different types of tests (intelligence, Aptitude, personality, Assessment Centers, Biographical information (Biodata), Work Samples, etc.) from the table that I gave you. 
  9. Selection Paradigm: (cut-off score, correct decisions, base rate, and utility.)
  10. Taylor-Russell Tables
  11. False positives and false negatives in the selection paradigm 
  12. The effect of the correlation on the utility of a test

Chap 5: Recruitment

  1. The employment interview
  2. Reasons for lack of validity (lack of job relatedness, primacy effect, contrast effect, etc.)
  3. Interviewer training
  4. Structured interviews
  5. Realistic job previews

Chap 6: Testing (have a basic understanding of what they are, pp. 232-235.)

  1. Personality tests
  2. Interests inventories
  3. Aptitude tests
  4. Assessment centers (leaderless group discussion & in-basket exercises)
  5. Biodata

Chap 7: Evaluating Employee Performance, up to 324, do not worry about the section on Termination.

  1. Scales (Graphic, BOS, BARS, Mixed)
  2. Objective vs. Subjective measures
  3. Rating errors



Good luck on the test.