Sample Test

This is just a sample of the type of questions that you may encounter on the test. The real test will have many more questions. In the past I have had 10 T&F questions, 40 Multiple Choice, and 3 Essay questions. Good luck.

Sample of True and False Questions

  1. *T F The goal of a personnel selection system is to bring individuals into the organization who will perform well on the job.
  2. *T F Random error can affect the results of personnel tests by causing inconsistent or variable scores.
  3. *T F Criterion-related validity is regarded as the preferred way of showing that a selection test is job related.
  4. *T F The selection ratio is the number of people hired divided by the number of people who applied.

Sample Multiple Choice Questions

The statistical method that provides a measure of the linear relationship between variables is

  1. internal consistency regression.
  2. standard deviation.
  3. correlation. **
  4. multiple systematic validity.

The statistical method that uses a known relationship to predict future behavior is

  1. a scatterplot
  2. regression **
  3. standard deviation
  4. utility

What method of examining test reliability should be used if an organization is concerned about consistency over time?

  1. Parallel forms
  2. Test-retest **
  3. Internal consistency
  4. Content

The parallel forms method of assessing reliability is appropriate when

  1. individual items in a test need to be examined for their equivalence.
  2. the instrument does not measure what it is intended to measure
  3. the organization is concerned with consistency over time.
  4. the equivalence of two versions of the same test needs to be established.**

The correlation between two evaluators who are examining the same set of information is called.

  1. a. parallel correlation.
  2. b. the coefficient of consistency.
  3. c. construct validity.
  4. d. interrater reliability.**

Internal consistency is a method of measuring reliability when

  1. individual items in a test need to be examined for their equivalence.**
  2. the instrument does not measure what it is intended to measure.
  3. the organization is concerned with consistency over time.
  4. two versions of the same test are used.

___________________ deals with whether a test is representative of some domain of job performance.

  1. Generalizability
  2. Content validity **
  3. Construct validity
  4. Criterion-related validity

Which of the following is true of concurrent validation?

  1. Sample sizes are usually smaller for concurrent than for predictive studies.**
  2. Concurrent studies take longer than predictive studies to perform.
  3. Restriction of range is never a problem.
  4. Generalizing from experienced employees to applicants may be a problem.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why some researchers believe that concurrent validity is an inadequate substitute for predictive validity?

  1. employees are less motivated to do well on predictor tests than job applicants
  2. employee experience may have an impact on predictor scores
  3. empirical evidence reveals that predictive validity is superior **
  4. range in ability among present employees is restricted

Which of the following is the most common method of rating job performance?

  1. supervisor ratings **
  2. peer ratings
  3. self ratings
  4. subordinate ratings

Sample of Essay Questions

Often we find that psychological predictors (including cognitive ones) of work performance do not have very high validities, why do you think we have such low validities? Be specific. (10 pts.)

Some possible reasons are: poorly defined constructs, poor reliabilities, too much restriction in range, trying to predict a multidimensional construct (performance) with a unidimensional test, most jobs can be learned by motivated individuals, a high base-rate (an easy job), etc.