Causal Argument Essay

Write a 4-6 page typewritten argument essay that persuades an audience to accept your explanation of the causes or consequences of some phenomenon or trend. In this essay, you will describe the phenomenon or trend, present your ideas about the causes or consequences, offer strong support for these causal explanations, anticipate conditions of rebuttal and respond to them persuasively. You will avoid plagiarism by documenting all of your sources accurately using MLA style.

The authors of the most successful Causal Argument essays will:
1. include all the basic features of a good written argument in the essay.
2. have a clear, qualified and arguable claim that explains the causes of a trend or phenomenon.
3. skillfully avoid writing the data-dump type of research paper.
4. use at least three different kinds of sources including one source obtained from a database.
5.  document all sources in an MLA Works Cited page at the end of the essay.
6. use paraphrase and a direct quote from source material in the essay.
7. will submit photocopies of passages from sources that are cited in the essay. The passages referred to in the essay will be marked with highlighter.
8. draft the essay at least once and have it reviewed by classmates.
9. analyze the target audience and make audience-based choices for your essay.
10. write thoughtful reviews of 2 classmates' essays using the guidelines discussed in class..
11. use scholarly polish on the final draft.

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