Syllabus for the Evaluation Argument Essay*

March 8 Self-analysis, Introduce the Evaluation Argument essay

Assignment: Read Chapter 13 Evaluation Arguments p. 281-296 and Chapter17 Using and Documenting Sources p. 380-413. Look through your topic inventory work and select a subject for this essay.

March 10 Develop a Framework for an Evaluation Argument, Find a good website for your topic

Assignment: Read the samples evaluation essays online--Happiest Place on Earth and Benefits of College Fraternities. Write about the essay you are assigned in class using the guide online.

March 12 Discuss Sample Essays and compile Good Features list

Assignment: Write a Journal page exploring a possible evaluation argument topic.

SPRING BREAK Have a fun, safe week.

March 22 Share topics, collect more ideas, Plagiarism

Assignment: Following the examples from class, write your evaluation claim (this is your judgment about your subject), your criteria for judging your subject, and then rank your criteria. Do the Works Cited assignment that is online.

March 24 Works Cited, Paraphrasing and Quoting exercise

Assignment: Complete an audience analysis based on the 6 questions here: 1. Who do I envision as my readers? 2. If my essay were published, in what publication would my readers be likely to see my evaluation-- for example the Norman Transcript, a website, or a corporate newsletter? What can I infer about my readers from the fact that they read this particular publication? 3. What do my readers have in common with one another and with me that relates to this subject or to my evaluation of it? 4. What are my readers likely to know about my subject? Will I be introducing the subject to them, or will they already be familiar with it? How expert are they? 5. What are the qualities--good and bad--that my readers think are important for evaluating this kind of subject? 6. Are my readers likely to agree with my evaluation, be indifferent to it, or be very opposed to it? and Why?

Complete the Toulmin Outline part I (Claim, Reasons, Grounds, Warrants, and Backing) for your evaluation essay--Claim, reasons, grounds, warrants, and backing. Be ready to give Judy the names of two people you would like to work with on this essay.

March 26 Conditions of Rebuttal, and How evaluations can go wrong

Assignment: Complete the Toulmin Outline Part II. (Conditions of Rebuttal) Write a draft of this essay and bring 2 copies of it to the next class. Be ready to submit your Toulmin plan parts I and II to Judy at the next class.

March 29 Exchange essays, Return Proposal Essays

Assignment: Write complete and thoughtful review letters for each of your classmates' essays using the guide discussed in class.

March 31 Discuss the review letters and collect ideas for revising your essay

Assignment: Revise your essay . It is due in class on April 5. Prepare the Works Cited page for your essay and bring it to the next page. Use the online MLA guide information to help you.

April 2 Proofread Works Cited pages

Assignment: Prepare your Evaluation argument essay for April 5. Bring 2 typewritten copies of your final draft, one copy of an earlier draft, your audience analysis, your complete Toulmin plan, copies of the two review letters you received about this essay, and photocopied and highlighted pages from sources you cited in your essay

April 5 Your Evaluation argument essay is due in class today. Self-analysis.

* This syllabus is subject to change

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