Revision Letter Guidelines for the Language or Cultural Discovery Essay Second Drafts

1.  What questions do you have about the essay?  What is confusing or incomplete?

2.  Put brackets [ ] around parts that you think could be omitted.  Why do you recommend omitting these parts?

3.  Underline places where you think the essay could use more description and explain why you chose these parts.

4.  What suggestions do you have to help the author organize this essay more effectively?  Consider the beginning, the conclusion, and the order of the paragraphs.

5.  What do you think the author has done well in this version of the essay?

6.  After reading this draft, what do you think the author discovered about language, writing, or culture as a result of the experiences in this essay?  Complete this sentence:  "I think you discovered ___."

7.  Suggest a title for this essay.

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