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Hartwell and Tannacito team-taught a course in linguistic research methods. . Jim Strickland was a year behind me so he mistakenly followed my lead on occasion. On one of those occasions, Jim and I were paired for a bibliography project in that linguistic research methods class. We were working on brain/language correlates and read widely (of course) and selected 25 of more than 100 books and articles to include on the annotated bib. Jim wanted to include an excellent book, Broca's Brain; although the book is well-written and entertaining, I didn't consider a science popularizer appropriate for our bib.

Besides, I had a plan.

I agreed to type the paper so I could leave Sagan out and Jim was to give the oral report in class. Meanwhile, I had pre-arranged with Hartwell and Tannacito to give Jim a hard time for leaving Sagan out of the bib. The class was shocked when the normally-quiet Hartwell attacked Jim for his sloppy work and Tannacito followed suit. But I couldn't contain my laughter and the profs explained the joke. Strickland was still shocked.

The following spring, Jim gave a version of the bib at the New Orleans CCCC. Pat planted his friend and co-author, Bob Bentley, in the audience of about 200 to inquire about the egregious omission of Sagan's Broca's Brain from the bibliography. The unsuspecting Jim was mortified, stammered around, and then realized that Hartwell had set him up again -- and that he had fallen for it again -- illustrating yet another mind game the great mind of Pat Hartwell worked out.

Dave Roberts. class of 1982