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Welcome to the Home Page of the
Intercultural/Development Communication
Division of the International Communication Association (ICA).

The Intercultural/ Development Communication Division of the International Communication Association addresses critical issues concerning communication across boundaries, whether cultural, political, economic or social in nature. This division includes three areas of focus: intercultural communication, international communication, and development communication. Intercultural communication research explores interpersonal dynamics across persons from different cultural contexts. Moving toward broader levels of analysis, such as states and societies, international communication research investigates mediated communication across communities with different political, economic, geographical contexts or different cultural histories, as well as communication issues within a global context. Just as intercultural and international communication can be seen as manifest in heterophilous relations, development communication typically involves the strategic application of communication processes and technologies by one group through an intervention intended to benefit another social group. These projects designed to use communication for development may be produced by bilateral, multilateral or nongovernmental development institutions, or by less formally based social movement organizations, advocacy groups or local communities. In addition to addressing communication for development, the field of development communication engages scholarship concerning communication about development, or the implications of development discourse.

This web site contains resources for division members and other parties interested in the fields of intercultural, international, or development communication.

Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last update: July 29, 2002