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Intercultural Communication Links

Business Etiquettes around the World

CARLA: Culture and Language Learning

Center for Nonverbal Studies

Cheskin, a research and consulting company with a focus on non-mainstream cultures and niche markets.

CIA World Factbook

Culture Matters: Peace Corps Workbook

Earthlore: Exploring the Legacies of Cultural History

The Economist's Country Briefings

Executive Planet

Getting through the Customs

Hispanic & Asian Marketing Communication Research, Inc.
Cultural Sense Making, a research and consulting company with a focus on non-mainstream cultures and niche markets.

The Immigrant Institute
This is an institute for information about immigration and intercultural issues in Sweden.

Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication (ICIC).

Intercultural Communication Academy

Intercultural Communication: Christian Missionary Course

Intercultural Communication Institute (ICI)
ICI is a nonprofit, private foundation designed to foster an awareness and appreciation of cultural difference in both the international and domestic arenas. We offer many educational opportunities to learn about intercultural communication, including an MA program in Intercultural Relations; the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication (SIIC) workshops & certificate program: and IDI qualifying seminars. ICI maintains a 15,000-item intercultural resource library year around. We are located in Portland, Oregon. Phone: 503-297-4622.

Intercultural Communication Studies, is a publication of the International Association for Intercultural Studies. The organization also sponsors a biennial conference called "International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication." The ninth conference will be in Fullerton, CA, in late July of 2003.

Intercultural Insights is a free online interdisciplinary resource designed for the interculturalists around the world who study, teach, train and/or research in cross-cultural psychology, cultural anthropology, intercultural communication, multicultural education, race/ethnic relations (sociology), multicultural literature, sociolinguistics, TESOL, international business and other related sub-disciplines.

The Interdisciplinary Intergroup Relations Project consists of international scholars interested in understanding and promoting effective relationships between ethnic groups. While much attention has been focused on problems - from group-based violence to hate speech to discrimination and prejudice - our group wants to understand what happens when members of groups get along with each other. We all know that these successes exist: Inter-racial marriages, multi-national partnerships, and intergroup friendships are but three examples of these successes. As scholars we want to look at these successes and understand how and why they occur. As committed member of the world community, we want to translate our knowledge into practice by creating programs and interventions that foster more satisfying and effect intergroup relations.

International Academy for Intercultural Research
This is a new interdisciplinary organization that has scholars (and some practioners interested in research) from communication, psychology, education, anthropology and management. Its goal is to foster intercultural research.

International Association of Intercultural Studies

International Association for Languages & Intercultural Communication (IALIC).

It's International: eZine

Japan Information Network.

LangaList Home Page

The Language and Gender Page

Learning Development Institute (LDI) is a transdisciplinary networked learning community devoted to excellence in the development and study of learning. It has a strong focus on interpreting learning as a dialogic phenomenon that involves individuals as well as social entities. Following through on UNESCO's Learning Without Frontiers program, from which it emerged, its scope of work is transnational and transcultural. The site features a rich source of documentation and links to events.

The OFAJ (Office franco-allemand de la jeunesse) / DFJW
(Deutsch-franzoesisches Jugendwerk) is an institution which was originally set
up in support of Franco-German cooperation. It promotes youth exchange and
innovative intercultural research.

Purdue Site on Culture.

Silk Road Communication: Where Cultures Meet.

Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research

Web of Culture

World Communication Association

World Culture Comparisons

World Religions

Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last update: July 29, 2002