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Minutes for Business Meeting
Intercultural/Development Communication
July 18, 2002, Seoul, Korea

1. Rich Wiseman convened the meeting at 5:15.

2. Minutes from previous meetings approved. Josep Rota moved; Doug Boyd seconded.

3. Membership: we have about 590 members in the division, and are about 16 % of ICA, with 83 new members this year. It vies with Organizational Communication and Communication and Technology for second place in division size, after Mass Communication. The Intercultural Communication specialization received 42 competitive papers and 7 panel proposals. A total of 32 papers (76%) and 3 panel proposals (43%) were recommended for programming. For the International Communication and the Development Communication specializations, a total of 49 competitive papers and 4 panel proposals were submitted, and 34 competitive papers (69%) and all 4 panel proposals (100%) were recommended for programming.

4. The Top Paper Award winners were:
Divya McMillin (U of Washington), "Television, Gender and Labor in the Global City" (Development Communication)
Joe Straubhaar (U of Texas, Austin), Martha Fuentes (U of Texas, Austin), Christine Giraud (Ford Foundation), and Consuelo Campbell (Chinese U of Hong Kong), "Refocusing from Global to Regional Homogenization of Television: Production and Programming in the Latino US Market, Mexico and Venezuela" (International Communication)
Han Z. Li (U of Northern British Columbia), "Culture, Role, and Interruption Style" (Intercultural Communication)

5.The Top Student Papers were:
Jody Waters (U of Texas, Austin), "No! Al Club de Golf: Development Communication as the Construction of a Discourse of Resistance in a Community-Based Social Movement" (Development Communication)
Atsushi Tajima (U of Wisconsin, Madison), "Global Media Event on Locality: 98 Nagano Winter Olympic Games" (International Communication)
Naoto Ogawa (U of Oklahoma), "Gender and Self Construals" (Intercultural Communication)
Registration fee waivers made available to the division by ICA were awarded to the Top Student Paper Award winners.

6. Lifetime Achievement Awards: The Division awarded its second bi-annual Lifetime Achievement Award. The Award was given to two very worthy scholars, namely William Gudykunst (California State U, Fullerton) and Royal Colle (Cornell U). The division owes extends its appreciation to the review committee consisting of Bella Mody (Michigan State U), Ev Rogers (U of New Mexico and the last recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award), and Young Kim (U of Oklahoma).

7. Budget: We receive about $2771 annually. We overspent last year by about $900, so are giving less for awards this year. We are still giving money to top student paper winners, but not the others. The division members present keeping division money for our own purposes rather than having it go back to ICA to assist with the ICA deficit problem.

8. Web page: the group recognized and applauded Clemencia Rodríguez, Division secretary, for her fine work with our new division web-page. The web page is an excellent resource for our scholars and students. The URL for the web page is: .

9. Next Year's Conference:

a. Bill Eadie, head of the host committee for San Diego reported to the division that our hotel will be on the harbor, and about $99 per night. They may be arranging a trip to Baja CA, to see Fox Studio, a tour of the border area, and viewing of documentary films.
b. Bob Craig, head of planning for ICA next year, reported to the division. Division members noted that our session attendance was quite high (about 20 for each session as a rough average) and that our room was too small. Joe Straubhaar asked if computer projection could be available in each room. Craig asked division members to forward suggestions for plenary speakers to him. Division members also noted that ICA needs to make visa requirements, for the US and for Mexico, quite clear; and asked what ICA might do to strengthen ties with Asian community.

Future conferences: 2004 New Orleans; 2005 New York; 2006 Berlin or Naples.

10. Awards for top papers, top student papers, and lifetime achievement were distributed (see
list in annual report).

11. Division Leadership: we will be electing next a vice-chair to represent the intercultural side of our division. Names need to be submitted to ICA by August 15, 2002.

12. Announcements:

a. UT Austin RTF Graduate students holding a conference on "Transparencies: Technology,
Culture and Communication," November 1-2, 2002.

b. Jody Waters thanked the division for its support co-sponsoring a panel for graduate
students on teaching controversial issues in times of crisis.

c. Wiseman indicated that the International Association for Intercultural Communication
Studies was holding its 2003 conference in July at California State University, Fullerton.
Paper and paper proposals were being accepted for consideration for presentation.
Information can be obtained by emailing Rich Wiseman at

13. Wiseman adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.

Intercultural Development Communication, a division of the International Communication Association.
Webmaster: Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma). Last update: July 30, 2002