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Map from CIA World Factbook 2001

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Infoplease.com's Website on Tajikistan: has information about all aspects of Tajikistan including history, geography, religion, government, and language.
Tajikistan: Consular Information: information on travel in Tajikistan including links that pertain to traveling within Tajik borders.
TravelTajikistan.com: information for the traveler in Tajikistan with links to the language, facts about the country, books, news, media, weather, and maps of the country.
Federation of American Scientists: Civil War analysis and information with links to other related sources.


Tajiks.org: Website for the Tajik Center for Entrepreneurship and Management. Contains information about the Tajikistan economy and how it fits into the global trade system. Also contains links to various subjects pertaining to Tajikistan.
Gulf International Minerals Ltd: Official website of Gulf International Minerals Ltd. A firm involved in gold production and exploration in Tajikistan.
NIS Business Organizations by Country: list of business organizations in Tajikistan
U.S. Energy Information Administration: natural resources information in Tajikistan as well as other related links.

Government and Politics

Tajikistan.com: General factsheet on Tajikistan with links to every aspect of Tajikistan.
Key Numbers in Tajikistan: Website containing thousands of phone numbers of key leaders and offices in Tajikistan.
Privatization in the Republic of Tajikistan: The official website of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan which promotes its privatization program with other related links.
The Republic of Tajikistan: Information about the current president with links to the parliament, economy, culture, society, and business.
Tajikistan Organizations: lists the political and social organizations of Tajikistan by city


Ozodi.org: The online news for Tajiks (in Tajik)
Tajikistan in the 20th Century: Contains a series of audio broadcasts on the contemporary history of Tajikistan. Provided by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Central Asia Report: The Central Asia Report. Provides news for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
Asia-Plus: private information-analytic agency that gives monthly bulletins on economic, regional, telecommunications, societal, and statistical information.
Tajik News Site: the first news webpage of Tajikistan with links to up to date news.
The Tajikistan Update: up to date news articles, weather, travel, photo's, and chat forum links.
Internews Tajikistan: the news of Tajikistan with links to other sources of media such as television and radio.


Annual Report on Religious Freedom: US Department of State report on the freedom of religion in Tajikstan.

©2002. Middle Eastern Studies Links - University of Oklahoma (Prof. Joshua Landis).