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Archaeological Skills Workshop Series

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Archaeological Skills Workshop Series

Have you wanted to learn more about archaeology but never had the chance? Or are you a student, looking for hands-on learning opportunities you cannot get in the classroom? Or perhaps a professional archaeologist looking to add new skills to your repertoire?

Look no further! The Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network introduces our Archaeological Skills Workshop Series (ASWS). OKPAN’s ASWS consists of workshops designed for those who want to learn more about how to do archaeology in the 21st century.  Workshops will cover core skills, such as survey and excavation techniques, together with the specialized techniques archaeologists routinely use in the field and lab today (for example, GIS mapping and predictive modeling; photogrammetry; ground-penetrating remote sensing; and drone reconnaissance).

Workshops will be held in Norman three times per year – in October, March, and May. Participants will pay a nominal fee to register, with payment due in advance to secure what will be limited slots in each workshop.

OKPAN ASWS workshops will each be approximately 4 hours and typically held on Saturday or Saturday-Sunday, depending on the topic. Participants will learn from top-notch workshop instructors selected through a competitive “call for teaching proposals” each fall. Instructors will primarily include professional archaeologists, graduate students, and avocational archaeologists with expertise in particular archaeological skills.


Want To Teach a Workshop?

Do you have an archaeological skill you'd like to share with others? Learn more here!