Writing Quotes Archive

November 2007 -- "One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important." -- Bertrand Russell

October 2007 -- "I write to escape...to escape poverty." -- Edgar Rice Burroughs

September 2007 -- "I'm a big fan of editing and keeping only the interesting bits in." -- Sarah Vowell

August 2007 -- "A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." -- Mark Twain

July 2007 -- "I really don't believe in magic." -- J.K. Rowling

June 2007 -- "I find that most people know what a story is, until they sit down to write one." -- Flannery O'Connor

May 2007 -- "I actually feel that the different kinds of stories come out of different parts of my brain." -- Elizabeth Moon

April 2007 -- "I've got a long list of books I wish I'd never written - and I've kept them all out of print for the past 20 years." -- Dean Koontz

March 2007 -- "I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries." -- Stephen King

February 2007 -- "The only reason for being a Professional Writer is that you just can't help it" -- Leo Rosten