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Fire On Campus

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Fire On Campus

Generic Emergency Instructions


Should you discover SMOKE or FIRE or hear the fire alarm:

  1. Dial 911
    On the OU Norman Campus, this will connect you to us, the University Police (OUPD) — in other areas, where 911-service is available, it will connect you to another local emergency services dispatcher. Outside the U.S., check for another all-emergency number.
  2. Pull the fire alarm, if not already sounding
  3. Notify other persons on your way out


  1. Before opening door, see if it is hot by placing the palm of your hand against it.
    1. If hot, remain in room.
    2. If you are on ground floor level, CAREFULLY exit through window, if possible.
    3. If on upper floor, call 911 and notify dispatcher of room number.
    4. Block entrance of smoke and heat into room by stuffing towels or blankets around door.
    5. Stay low near floor to avoid smoke and heat. Open window, DO NOT exit onto ledges.
    6. REMAIN CALM. Firefighters will get to you as soon as possible.

  2. If the door is cool, open slightly and check for smoke in corridor.
    1. If clear, proceed to nearest available exit (exterior door or stairwell).
    2. Stay low near floor to avoid smoke and heat.
    3. Close doors on your way out.

  3. If corridor is too smoky to reach stairway or exit, remain in room.
  4. Follow instructions in item 1, above.
  5. When leaving building, get well clear of entire area.
    1. Proceed to the designated gathering-place and report to RA/Instructor/Supervisor for roster check.
    2. Follow instructions.