Sooner Ballroom Dance Club

A Registered Student Organization of the University of Oklahoma

2005-2007 Constitution

Submitted September 15, 2005

Revised October 10, 2005


Article I: Name of the Organization.

The name of this organization is the Sooner Ballroom Dance Club. In the rest of this Constitution, the organization is referred to as "the club". As of the time of this revision, an application for the non-commercial use of the word "Sooner" by the club is under review and approval of the clubs name and use of said word is pending.


Article II: Purpose of the Organization.

The purpose of the club is to promote, teach and enjoy social partner dancing, including but not limited to smooth/standard, Latin/rhythm, swing/nightclub, salsa, country-western, polka, vintage and Cajun/Zydeco.


Article III. Membership of the Organization.

A. Eligibility and qualifications for membership.

1. Eligibility.

a. Full Members.

Any person meeting the full membership eligibility requirements for student organizations of the University of Oklahoma, as described in the University of Oklahoma Student Code of Responsibilities and Conduct for the Norman Campus (hereinafter referred to as the "Student Code"), is eligible for full membership in the club.  Changes to Student Code full membership eligibility requirements shall immediately apply to eligibility for club full membership.

b. Associate Members.

Any person meeting the associate membership eligibility requirements for student organizations of the University of Oklahoma, as described in the Student Code, is eligible for associate membership in the club.  Changes to Student Code associate membership eligibility requirements shall immediately apply to eligibility for club associate membership.

c. Non-Discrimination. 

Membership or participation cannot be based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status, or political belief.   

2. Qualifications.

There are no qualifications required for membership beyond eligibility.

3. Membership standing.

a. Full Member in Good Standing.

A full member in good standing is a full member, not under suspension or termination, who has paid in full all appropriate dues and fees.

b. Associate Member in Good Standing.

An associate member in good standing is an associate member, not under suspension or termination, who has paid in full all appropriate dues and fees.

B. Application, Acceptance, Suspension and Termination of Membership.

1. Application for Membership.

Application for full or associate membership in the club shall be accepted at any scheduled club meeting, and may be accepted by an officer or designated representative of the club at any other time, at the discretion of the officer or representative.

2. Acceptance of Membership.

Any person eligible for full or associate membership, and not under suspension or termination, shall be accepted immediately on paying in full all appropriate dues and fees.

3. Suspension of Membership.

a. Suspension of Membership for Nonpayment.

Any full or associate member who does not pay all appropriate dues and fees by the stipulated date shall be given at least three warnings, in person or by voice communications, over a period of no less than two calendar weeks.  After the third warning, if the member does not pay in full within one calendar week, that person's membership shall be suspended until he or she pays in full all unpaid dues and fees, including those that may have accrued during the suspension period.

b. Suspension of Membership for Cause.

Any full or associate member who behaves in contravention to the relevant Student Code regulations for student conduct, or who behaves in a manner injurious, or potentially injurious, to other club members, or whose behavior disrupts club meetings or activities, can be suspended for a period of no more than two calendar weeks, by agreement of the president and the club sponsor, or their designated representatives.  Following the end of a suspension period, the suspended member cannot be suspended again for at least one calendar week.

c. Suspended Members.

Members who are under suspension may not attend or participate in club meetings or activities, nor vote on motions or amendments.  After a member has been informed that he or she is under suspension, if he or she then violates or attempts to violate the terms of the suspension, he or she will immediately be deemed eligible for termination of membership.

4. Termination of Membership.

Any member who has previously been suspended for cause at least twice may have his or her membership terminated.  A motion for termination must be made at a regularly scheduled business meeting, and can be made only by the chair of the meeting, and only with the agreement of the club sponsor, the president, and at least two thirds of the other officers.  The member whose termination is to be decided must be informed of the intention of the officers to do so, at least two calendar weeks prior to the business meeting at which the motion for termination is to be made.  The member, or his or her designated representative, must be allowed to speak for at least five minutes, or more at the discretion of the chair of the meeting, before the vote.  If the termination vote is passed, termination is immediate.

5. Petition for Readmission to the Club of a Terminated Member.

A terminated member may petition for readmission to the club, but may not submit the petition less than three calendar months after termination.  If both the sponsor and a simple majority of the officers agree to accept the petition, which they must decide within one calendar month after it is submitted, then it must be presented to the club at the immediately subsequent business meeting, at which time the terminated member, or his or her designated representative, must be allowed to speak for at least five minutes, or more at the discretion of the chair of the meeting, before the petition is voted on.  If the petition is passed, then the terminated member shall be readmitted immediately after payment in full of all appropriate dues and fees.  If the petition is not passed, then the terminated member may not petition again for another three calendar months, via the same procedure and under the same stipulations.


Article IV: Officers of the organization.

A. Elected Positions.

All executive officer and committee chair positions shall be elected positions.

B. Terms of Office.

All elected positions shall have terms from June 1 of the calendar year of the election to May 31 of the following calendar year. During the period between the election of new officers and the end of the extant officers' terms, the extant officers and officers- elect shall file appropriate paperwork indicating the change of officers.

C. Recall of Elected Officers.

At any regularly scheduled business meeting, any full or associate member may request that any elected officer be recalled from office.  At the immediately subsequent regularly scheduled business meeting, the first order of business after reading the minutes of the previous meeting shall be the discussion of the recall, at which time the officer, or his or her designated representative, will be allowed to speak for at least ten minutes, or more time at the discretion of the chair of the meeting.  No officer may chair a meeting at which his or her recall is to be considered.  Afterwards, a vote will be taken.  If a two-thirds majority of the voting members vote to recall the officer, then the officer shall vacate his or her position immediately. 

D. Filling of Vacancies.

In the event that an officer is unable to perform his or her duties, or resigns, or is recalled from office, or no member is elected to the position, the president shall have the authority to appoint an interim officer for a term of at most two calendar months.  At the regularly scheduled business meeting immediately following this appointment, nominations will be taken for election of this position.  These nominations shall be announced at every scheduled club meeting and activity between the call for nominations and the election.  The election will be held at the regularly scheduled business meeting immediately subsequent to the nomination.

E. Officer Positions.

1. Executive officers.

a. President.

The president shall be responsible for chairing club meetings and for representing the club in an official capacity. The president shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to club business. The president shall be responsible for all preparations for club meetings and for their agendas. The president shall be responsible for the announcement of all executive officer and committee chair nominations. The president shall supervise the work of the other officers and committees, and assist them in their business and reports. The president may delegate committee supervision to club officers or members when necessary and appropriate. The president shall properly register the club with the appropriate office of the University of Oklahoma, by the stipulated date and in accordance with appropriate Student Code regulations. The president shall perform various administrative duties as appropriate. The president shall actively promote new member recruitment and involvement in club meetings and activities.

b. Vice President.

The vice president shall temporarily assume the authority and responsibilities of the president in the event of the president's temporary absence or incapacity. The vice president shall succeed as president in the event that the president is no longer able to serve, or becomes ineligible to serve, or resigns, or is recalled. The vice president shall advise and assist the president on matters of policy and implementation. The vice president shall assist the other officers with their duties as appropriate. The vice president shall perform various administrative duties as appropriate. The vice president shall actively promote new member recruitment involvement in club meetings and activities.

c. Treasurer.

The treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters relating to club business, including but not limited to

i.    establishing an accounting system,

ii.   collecting dues and fees,

iii.  preparing funding applications,

iv.   submitting all necessary receipts and vouchers for payment or reimbursement,

v.    maintaining appropriate monies and accounts,

vi.   reimbursing members for approved club expenditures.

The treasurer shall provide the officers a full, detailed report of club income and expenses at least once every two months. The treasurer, in consultation with the other officers, shall propose a semesterly budget at the first club business meeting of each semester.  The treasurer will initiate discussion and move for a vote to approve the proposed budget.  The treasurer will revise the budget until it is approved. If proposed revisions to an approved budget are made at any subsequent club meeting, the treasurer will initiate discussion and move for a vote to approve the proposed budget revision. The treasurer shall perform various administrative duties as appropriate. The treasurer shall actively promote new member recruitment and involvement in club meetings and activities.

d. Secretary.

The secretary shall take the minutes of all meetings and record all votes. The secretary shall maintain a roster of club members, including their phone numbers, postal addresses and e-mail addresses as appropriate. The secretary shall be responsible for producing and distributing newsletters and activity calendars as appropriate. The secretary shall perform various administrative duties as appropriate. The secretary shall actively promote new member recruitment and involvement in club meetings and activities.

2. Committee Chairs.

a. New Committees.

i. Creation of a New Committee.

A committee may be created at any regularly scheduled business meeting.  Motions for committee creation must include the name, purpose and duties of the committee, as well as the responsibilities and authority of its chair.

ii. Interim Chair of a New Committee.

When a new committee is created, an interim chair must be immediately elected.  The interim chair's term shall not exceed two calendar months.

iii. Nomination of the Chair of a New Committee.

Immediately after election of the interim chair of a new committee, nominations shall be taken for the elected chair.  These nominations shall be announced at every scheduled club meeting and activity between the creation of the chair and the election.

iv. Election of the Chair of a New Committee.

At the regularly scheduled business meeting immediately subsequent to the creation of the new committee, the election for the chair of the committee will be held.

b. Existing Committees.

Nominations and elections for chairs of existing committees shall be held at the same time and in the same manner as those of executive officers.

F. Sponsor.

1. Eligibility.

Any full-time University of Oklahoma faculty or staff member who is in full accordance with Student Code eligibility regulations for student organization sponsors shall be eligible to be the club sponsor.  The advisor will be a full time member of the University faculty or staff. 

2. Responsibilities and Authority.

The sponsor shall be responsible for the supervision of all club meetings, activities, officers, members and guests, and for advising officers and members on matters pertaining to club business.  The sponsor shall have the authority to modify or cancel any club activity deemed in violation of University of Oklahoma regulations or policies.


Article V. Meetings.

A. Class Meetings.

A class meeting is any meeting whose primary purpose is to teach dancing.  Class meetings will be organized by the appropriate officers, in consultation with the sponsor and the proposed instructor or instructors.

B. Business Meetings.

1. Regularly scheduled business meetings.

In any calendar month during which school is in session, including eight-week summer sessions but excluding four-week sessions and intersession periods, a business meeting shall be held at the first scheduled non-class meeting.  If the month has no scheduled non-class meetings, but it has at least two regularly scheduled class meetings, then the business meeting will be held at the second regularly scheduled class meeting.  A portion of the regularly scheduled meeting in question will be set aside to conduct the business meeting, during which no other activities may be held or sponsored.

2. Special Business Meetings.

A special business meeting may be called by unanimous agreement of the officers and the sponsor.  In the event that an officer or the sponsor cannot be contacted after a significant good faith effort to do so, their agreement may be assumed.  Motions at special meetings may neither create nor propose new bylaws, constitutional amendments or committees, nor nominate or elect new officers, nor disburse or reserve funds in excess of two hundred dollars in total for the entire special meeting.

3. Notice of Meetings.

All upcoming scheduled meetings and activities must be announced at every scheduled meeting and activity.  For special business meetings, a good faith effort must be made to notify all members in good standing by voice communications, or in person if desired, or by e-mail if they cannot be reached otherwise, at least 24 hours in advance.  This notice must include the date, time, location and purpose of the meeting.

C. Quorum.

For both regularly scheduled and special business meetings, a quorum shall be ten voting members in good standing, or two thirds of the voting members in good standing, whichever is smaller.  If a quorum is not present, the business meeting shall be postponed until the next appropriate club meeting.

D. Order of business at business meetings.

1. Reading of minutes of the previous regularly scheduled business meeting, and of all special business meetings in between.

2. Recall proposals and votes.

3. Old business.

4. New business.

5. Petitions for readmission of terminated members.

E. Motions.

Motions are carried by a simple majority of voting members present, except where otherwise stipulated.

F. Disposition of Minutes.

The secretary, or his or her designated representative, shall record and read the minutes of the business meetings.  In addition, paper or electronic copies of the minutes shall be made available to all members on request.


Article VI. Administrative Board.

The administrative board shall consist of all the officers of the club, in consultation with the sponsor.


Article VII. Committees.

Committees shall be created by vote.  Committee chairs shall report committee business to the club in the same manner as executive officers.


Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority.

All club business shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.  Conflicts over interpretations of these rules shall be resolved by the sponsor, or by his or her designated representative.  In the absence of conflicts and of a request to the contrary by a voting member, the chair of the meeting may choose to conduct the meeting in a less formal manner.


Article IX. Amendments to the Constitution.

A. Proposal of amendments.

Amendments to this constitution must be proposed by a club member in good standing at a regularly scheduled business meeting.

B. Notification of amendments.

All proposed amendments to this constitutions must be announced at every scheduled meeting and activity prior to the ratification vote.

C. Ratification of amendments.

At the regularly scheduled business meeting immediately subsequent to the amendment proposal, a vote must be called for its ratification.  The amendment is ratified if approved by a two-thirds majority of the voting members in good standing who are present.  The amendment shall be in force immediately upon ratification.


Article X. Process of Elections.

A. Eligibility.

1. Executive officers.

Only full members in good standing are eligible to be nominated and elected for executive officer positions, except for the secretary, who may be a full or associate member in good standing.

2. Committee chairs.   

Only full and associate members in good standing are eligible to be nominated and elected for committee chair positions.

B. Nominations.

Nominations for elected positions shall be taken at the next-to- final regularly scheduled business meeting of the spring semester, and at all scheduled meetings and activities between the next-to- final regularly scheduled business meeting and the election.  All active nominations shall be announced at every scheduled club meeting and activity between the call for nominations and the election.

C. Election.

The election shall be held at the final regularly scheduled business meeting of the spring semester.


Article X. Governance of Organization.

A. Supremacy Clause.

This organization is not affiliated with any parent international, national, state or local organization. The club is subject first to the University of Oklahoma Student Code and this Constitution is the sole governing document of the club.

B. Legality.

The club is subject to local, state and federal laws.

C. Club Activity.

The club activity is to otherwise be fully under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Board in accordance with the rules and provisions set forth in this document.