Student-Directed Transition Planning

Student-Directed Transition Planning


Transition planning....

The Process

The lessons are designed to take the student through a process of gathering information from key members of the transition planning team. The process should initiate a dialogue between the student, family members, and the teacher on issues regarding employment, postsecondary education, and living arrangements for the student.

Perceptions of strengths and needs in each area are gathered from the student, family members, and the teacher, and summarized into current levels of performance statements.

Input regarding postschool visions for the student in the areas of employment, postsecondary education, and living arrangements are gathered from the student, family members, and the teacher. Those involved may have very different ideas about what these visions should be, and early and repeated discussions may be necessary before an agreement and subsequent vision statement in each area can be made.

Postschool vision and current levels of performance statements are compiled to a form that the student will use to write the transition plan.

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