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The costs for Concurrent Enrollment differs depending on residency,  year in high school, and course type.

Students are solely responsible for the cost of the courses that they are enrolled in. Concurrent students are made aware of potential funding that they could be granted by the state and the university if they enroll in limited, select online courses and meet all eligibility requirements. Concurrent funding assistance is not guaranteed.


Three students sitting on bench with computer

The University of Oklahoma offers a special, discounted fee rate for all Concurrent Enrollment students of $80 per credit hour. The $80 is waived ONLY for Oklahoma seniors and juniors taking any of these specific online courses*. Oklahoma seniors will receive a tuition waiver for up to 18 hours their senior year, while Oklahoma juniors and non-residents must pay tuition. See detailed costs below.

Estimated Cost

Tuition & Fees3 Hours6 Hours3 Hours: Select Online Courses*
Resident (Senior)$240$480FREE
Resident (Junior)$762$1,524$522

Breakdown of Cost for Eligible High School Seniors & Juniors

Tuition and fees listed below have been approved for the Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 academic years. Prices subject to change for future academic years.

The costs listed below are for in-person and online courses outside of the Concurrent Enrollment specific online options. 

Credit HoursTuitionFeesTotal
1 credit hour$0$80$80
2 credit hours$0$160$160
3 credit hours$0$240$240
4 credit hours$0$320$320
5 credit hours$0$400$400
6 credit hours$0$480$480

The costs listed below are for in-person and online courses outside of the Concurrent Enrollment specific online options.

Credit HoursTuitionFeesTotal
1 credit hour
2 credit hours$348$160$508
3 credit hours$522$240$762
4 credit hours$696$320$1,016
5 credit hours$870$400$1,270
6 credit hours

The costs listed below are for all in-person and online courses.

Credit HoursTuitionFeesTotal
1 credit hour
2 credit hours$1,520$160$1,680
3 credit hours$2,280$240$2,520
4 credit hours$3,040$320$3,360
5 credit hours$3,800$400$4,200
6 credit hours

Important notes on additional fees:

  • Concurrent Enrollment students will not be charged an application fee.
  • Tuition estimate in this table is for Oklahoma seniors who are eligible for the tuition waiver for 18 hours their senior year. This excludes courses offered through the College of Professional and Continuing Studies.
  • Cost for fees listed above do not include course specific fees (e.g. chemistry fee). When enrolling, students can see these fees in the course catalog. These fees typically range from $5 - $60 per course. 
  • There may also be course related material costs such as books, course packets and other supplies are not covered by any fee exemption or tuition waiver. Students are responsible for this cost.
  • Purchasing a parking permit is optional. You can buy one at Parking Services, located at 1332 Jenkins Avenue. Be sure to mention that you are a Concurrent Enrollment student.


The state will apply the tuition waivers. These waivers will typically be applied to the student account during the first week of their Summer/Fall/Spring semester. If after the first week of the semester, they are still not applied, please email to let us know.

No, the Dependent Child Tuition Waiver Program does not cover any tuition charges incurred before the eligible dependent is admitted as a degree-seeking student including fees or tuition for Advanced Placement, pre-college programs, or high school concurrent enrollment.