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Jacob Moser

Jacob Moser

Class of 2021 | Mathematics & Spanish | Carpentersville, Illinois | Bain & Company

Jacob Moser

Through involvement with The Oklahoma Group, a program that allows OU students to gain professional experience working with nonprofits, Jacob Moser realized his passion for applying his analytical skills and math mindset to social impact and strategy work.

This summer, Moser used those skills as an associate consultant intern at Bain & Company, an international global management and strategy consulting firm.

He explained they do diverse work to advise clients across different industries, helping them navigate operational and programmatic hurdles and challenges they’re facing. This may be determining if the organizational structure of a company needs adjusting or diving into rigorous data analysis to advise a company on how to proceed with a potential merger.

“My internship with Bain & Company was completely remote in light of the evolving COVID-19 situation,” Moser said. “Despite this, I still had a fantastic time as they supported us not only in adjusting to working from home but also in fostering meaningful relationships with other interns and employees in many creative ways (a Zoom cooking class was my personal highlight). My work entailed deep data analytics and supporting my teammates in communicating insights from this back to our client.”

Last summer, Moser worked as an analytics intern at The Commit Partnership, a nonprofit in Dallas that pushes for more equitable practices within K-12 and higher education throughout the state of Texas. He said he enjoyed applying his love of data science and mathematics to a social sphere.

“As I’ve progressed through college and really gotten deeper into my math studies, I've realized it’s more so about finding patterns and being able to communicate that to a broad audience,” Moser explained.

In addition to his involvement with the Oklahoma Group, Moser is active in the Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth, has served on the Big Event executive committee for three years, and has participated in programs through the Honors College.

After graduation, Moser has a full-time job offer secured with Bain & Company to work in the Dallas office. He’s also applying for a Fulbright Fellowship, through which he would work in Mexico City for a year. If he’s selected for the fellowship, he will defer his offer and start with the company following that experience.