Provides 1-on-1 interaction between an Academic Life Coach and Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students.
OU Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students
Academic Life Coaching for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors offers positive support for students to build on their experience at OU, while maximizing their college experience as they progress towards graduation.

Expectations and Benefits

Students establish the agenda topic for each coaching session as they are the expert of their own lives.

The coaching relationship establishes a safe and neutral space for students to acquire absolute confidence about who they are and where they are going.

Coaches facilitate the discovery of appropriate tools and techniques that best motivate students to propel their success, enhance learning, and reach significant milestones.

Students learn vital strategies, such as building positive time management and study systems, creating a healthy life and academic balance, and establishing beneficial support networks.

Students become empowered and understand how to unite their major and career choices to their passions and individual values.