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Iron Biofortified Foods and Supplements

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Iron, Brain, and Behavior

Large-scale efficacy studies that have been conducted in India and Rwanda document improvements in iron status from the consumption of fortified staples and biofortified crops. Techniques of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience document that these improvements are accompanied by improvements in measures of brain function and perception and cognition. These results have suggested the need for laboratory-based studies intended to increase our understanding of the effects of iron deficiency and its correction on brain function and behavior

A Randomized Trial of Iron-Biofortified Pearl Millet in School Children in India

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Double-Fortified Salt Is Efficacious in Improving Indicators of Iron Deficiency in Female Indian Tea Pickers

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Consuming Iron Biofortified Beans Increases Iron Status in Rwandan Women after 128 Days in a Randomized Controlled Feeding Trial

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Effect of Iron Deficiency on Simultaneous Measures of Behavior, Brain Activity, and Energy Expenditure in the Performance of a Cognitive Task

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