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Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison

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Dr. Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison

Affiliate Faculty Member

Director- OU Writing Center & Expository Writing Program


Ph.D., Purdue University





Dr. Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison is an Assistant Professor of Writing and Affiliate Faculty in the OU English Department. She directs the OU Writing Center and the Expository Writing Program at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Morrison completed her PhD at Purdue University in Rhetoric and Composition with secondary areas in Writing Center Studies and Public Rhetorics after earning an M.A. in English at Colorado State University and a B.A. in English at the University of Oklahoma.

Dr. Morrison’s research and administration interests span writing center administration, community-engaged writing, and Black feminist studies. In particular, her research focuses on intersectional approaches to the space and work of the writing centers, applying Black feminist perspectives to examine student-tutor experience and the administrative approaches that help shapes those experiences.

She has demonstrated the value of cross-campus connection, through her work in writing centers at the University of Notre Dame, where she worked to extend the writing center’s visibility and campus-wide partnerships. At Notre Dame, Dr. Morrison led the writing center’s partnership with Notre Dame’s Upward Bound program and the Center for Teaching and Learning. At OU, Haltiwanger Morrison has continued working with TRiO programs, including OU Upward Bound and the McNair Scholars Program.

Dr. Morrison regularly presents at national and international conferences including the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the Conference on Community Writing, and the International Writing Centers Association Conference. Her work has appeared in journals such as the Writing Center Journal, The Peer Review, and the award-winning collection, Out in the Center. Haltiwanger Morrison’s current projects include an edited collection entitled Writing Centers and Racial Justice and a solo-authored book on Black women in Black communities of Oklahoma.


Select Publications:

Writing Centers and Racial Justice: A Guidebook for Critical Praxis. (under review, Utah State University Press)

“Making and Taking Up Space as a Black Woman at a Predominantly White Institution.” (2021). Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. Special Issue: Have We Arrived: Revisiting and Rethinking Responsibility in Writing Center Work. Anna Sicari and Romeo Garcia, eds.

“A Balancing Act: Black Women’s Negotiation of Racial Tension in the Center” (2021) Writing Center Journal, 39 (1-2). Special Issue: 40th Anniversary.

“Beyond the Binary: Revealing a Continuum of Racism in Writing Center Theory and Practice” (2021). Counterstories from the Writing Center, Wonderful Faison & Frankie Condon, eds. Utah State University Press.

“Being Seen and Not Seen: A Black, Female Body in the Writing Center” (2019) Out in the Center: Public Controversies and Private Struggles, Harry Denny, Robert Mundy, Liliana M. Naydan, Richard Sévère, and Anna Sicari, eds. University of Colorado Press.