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First-Year Composition

The official logo of the First-Year Composition program at the University of Oklahoma superimposed over an image of the alley behind the Bizzell Library. On the logo, the words "University of Oklahoma" appear in black on a white background over an OU crimson rectangle. The rectangle has a square white border framing the letters FYC, with the F and C in white and the Y and rest of the surface area in OU crimson. Beneath the rectangle are the words "First-Year Composition" in black on a white background.
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Welcome to First-Year Composition at the University of Oklahoma!

The Office of First-Year Composition is committed to rhetorical education. As our students prepare both writing and speaking assignments, they practice communication skills learned from across the disciplines. Building such skills allows them to become respectful and effective participants in civil discourse. OU's FYC curriculum works to help build a citizenship composed of individuals that are capable of rhetorically analyzing discourse and using that analysis to productively communicate in the public sphere.

Spring 2024 Office Hours

Monday through Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM.

Please email us at to set up a call or video chat.