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Gary Clayton Anderson

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Gary Clayton Anderson

Gary Anderson

Gary Clayton Anderson is an historian of the American Indian and the American West.  His  most recent book is Massacre in Minnesota:  The Dakota War of 1862, the Most Violent Ethnic Conflict in American History (2019). 

His other publications  include Kinsman of Another Kind:  Indian-White Relations on the Upper Mississippi River (1984), a nominated finalist for the Pulitzer Prize,  Little Crow, Spokesman for the Sioux  (1986),  Through Dakota Eyes:  Narrative Accounts of the Minnesota Indian War of 1862  (ed., 1988),  Sitting Bull and the Paradox of Lakota Nationhood (1996),  The Indian Southwest:  Ethnogenesis and Cultural Reinvention (1999), winner of the Angie Debo Prize,  The Conquest of Texas:  Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land (2005), a nominated finalist for the Pulitzer Prize,  Will Rogers and “His” America (2010), Ethnic Cleansing and the Indian: The Crime That Should Haunt America, (2014), The Army Surveys of Gold Rush California:  Reports of the Topographical Engineers, 1849-1851, (ed., 2015), and Gabriel Renville and the Creation of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Indian Reservation (2018).  He has also co-authored with Kathleen P. Chamberlain, Power and Promise:  The Changing American West (2007).