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Marcia Haag

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Marcia Haag

Professor Emeritus, Linguistics

Kaufman Hall 222

(405) 325-1548


Marcia Haag earned her PhD at the State University of New York, Stony Brook in 1996 and became an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma in 2000. She was promoted to Professor in 2015.

Her research interests are centered on Native American languages, and she has engaged in theoretical work, language preservation, and literature. Her primary research languages are Choctaw and Cherokee. Recently, she has begun work on the Osage language. Her theoretical work is concerned with lexical roots, comparative word formation, and arbitrary categories. She has written, with her long-time collaborator Henry Willis, two Choctaw textbooks, as well as a translation of the 1826-1828 secretarial notes of Peter Pitchlynn. She has become engaged in the problems of literary translation of indigenous languages as well. In 2016, she published an edited volume on Southeast Native literature. 

At OU, she teaches, besides General Linguistics and the research course Senior Essay, Syntax, Semantics, Morphology, Field Methods, and occasional Topics courses. 

Dr. Haag also was the Chair of the Steering Committee for the Master of Arts in the Teaching of English as a Second Language program, which was inaugurated in 2015. 

Dr. Haag retired from a long and bountiful career at the University of Oklahoma in the summer of 2021.

Selected Publications


2016. A Listening Wind: Native Literature from the Southeast. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

-- and Henry Willis. 2013. A Gathering of Statesmen: Records of the Choctaw Council Meetings 1826-1828 by Peter Perkins Pitchlynn. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

- and Henry Willis. 2007. Choctaw Language and Culture: Chahta Anumpa Volume 2. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

-- and Henry Willis. 2001. Choctaw Language and Culture: Chahta Anumpa. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.


2019. "Legal Terms from the Choctaw Council Meetings of 1826-1828." American Indian Culture and Research Journal. 42(4). 

2018. "The evolution of Choctaw grammatical markers hosh and ho: Evidence from the Pitchlyn manuscript." Folia Linguistica Historica, 59(39-2)

2016. "What determines constraints on the relationships between roots and lexical categories? Evidence from Choctaw and Cherokee." in Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, Cross-theoretical, and Language Acquisition Approaches. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

2015. "Choctaw" In N. Grandi and L. Korvelyssy (eds) Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press.

2011. "Toward Literature: Preservation of Artistic Effects in Choctaw Texts." In Swann, B. Born in the Blood. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Recent Talks

"Position class neutralization to inhibit conflicting aspect values in Cherokee." 2016, Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

"Multiple exponence in Cherokee irrealis forms." 2012. American International Morphological Meeting. Amherst, MA.