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Arturo Gutiérrez

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Arturo Gutiérrez-Plaza

Assistant Professor, Spanish

Kaufman Hall 223

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Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza has been in the  Department of Modern Languages, Literatures & Linguistics since August 2021. In 2009 he was awarded the Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures by the University of Cincinnati. Before coming to Oklahoma, Dr. Gutiérrez was Professor of Literature at the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela. He also served as Director of Graduate Studies from 2010-2013, and Dean of Outreach Programs, 2002-2004, at that same university. From 1995 to 2000 he served as Director General for the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos Rómulo Gallegos in Venezuela. He has been a visiting professor at several universities, among them: the University of Oklahoma, August 2013-May 2018; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, May-June 2019; University of Cincinnati, March-June 2011; Universidad Central de Venezuela. March-June 2010; and University of Iowa, April 1998.

His main fields of research are Latin American Poetry, Latin American Essay and Culture, and Transatlantic Literatures. He has been the recipient of a number of literary prizes including: The Most Outstanding Literature Artist 2016 Award, Hispanic Arts Council of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, December 2016; Social Science Reseach Award “Andrés Bello”, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, December 2010; the IX Premio Transgenérico de la Fundación para la Cultura Urbana, Venezuela, 2009; the Premio Hispanoamericano de Poesía Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Mexican National Council for Culture & Arts, México, 1999; and the Premio de Poesía de la III Bienal Mariano Picón Salas, 1995. In 1997 he was awarded a fellowship to participate in the International Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa. He was also a resident artist in Mexico City in a program sponsored by the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Mexico) and the Agencia Española de Cooperación para el Desarrollo (Spain) in 2012.

At OU, he regularly teaches Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Culture, and Grammar in Conversation.

Selected Publications

“Tramas cruzadas en el extraño caso de Juan Luis Martínez”. Cuaderno de Literatura (Bogotá-Colombia) (Nov. 2021). In press. This article reviews certain crossed plots in the work of Juan Luis Martínez, but particularly in La nueva novela [The New Novel], specifically related to their modes of insertion into the field of Chilean poetry.

“Extranjerías consustanciales en la poesía de Pedro Lastra.” Inti. Revista de Literatura Hispánica (Providence-USA) 91-92 (Fall 2020): 30-37. This article reviews certain characteristics of the poetry of the chilean writer Pedro Lastra, specially those related to the differents modes of representation of being a foreigner. <>  

“(Re)visiones de (y ante) la modernidad en (y de) la cultura, el arte y la poesía venezolanos”. Studia Iberica et Americana (California, USA) 5 (2018): 81-100. This paper seeks to identify and contrast three visions of (and relating to) Venezuelan modernity, seen within (and from) the cultural, artistic, and poetic field in particular, along with their complex forms of relationship with the unique and accelerated transformation of cities and urban life resulting from the massive influx of oil money obtained during much of the twentieth and twenty-fi rst centuries.<>

“Viernes: un grupo y una revista en la búsqueda de la víspera de la modernidad poética de un país”. Voz y escritura. Revista de estudios literarios. (Mérida, Venezuela) 25 (2017): 87-103. This article examines the fundamental characteristics, contents, and ideas of the Venezuelan literary journal Viernes, published between May of 1939 and May of 1941, and founded by the homonymous literary group, founded in 1936.  <>

“Ecos de voces montejianas en una caja de resonancia triangular”. Revista Aleph (Manizales, Colombia) 182 (July-Sept 2017): 59-66. This article explores the complex relations between the Eugenio Montejo's Poetry, his essays and works of fictionary poets created by Montejo himself. <> 

“La obra poética de Rafael Cadenas o la travesía hacia una sabiduría del no saber.” Cuadernos hispanoamericanos (Madrid, Spain) 780 (June 2015): 9-16.This article explores the evolution and historical characteristics of the poetry the Venezuelan poet Rafael Cadenas.  <>

“Una lectura de Reverón en la poesía venezolana o los vericuetos de un poema”. Inti. Revista de Literatura Hispánica (Providence-USA) 77-78 (Spring-Fall 2013): 45-61. This article seeks to show the complex and historical relations between the work of the painter Armando Reveron and the Contemporary Venezuelan Poetry.  <>


Ph.D. in Romance Languages & Literatures. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2009

M.A. in Latin American Literature. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, 1991

B.S. in Computer Science. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, 1985

Teaching Schedule for Fall 2023:

SPAN 4183-001 Senior Capstone, DRC-A0128, M/W  16:20-17:45

SPAN 5423-001 The Spanish-American Essay, KH-319, R  15:20-18:20

Additional Information

He is co-founder and Associate Editor of Latin American Literature Today (University of Oklahoma, USA), from 2015 to the present. <>

He has published the verse collections Al margen de las hojas (Monte Ávila, 1991), De espaldas al río (El pez soluble, 1999), Principios de Contabilidad (Conaculta, 2000), Pasado en Limpio (Equinoccio, bid&co, 2006), Cuidados intensivos (Lugar Común, 2014), Cartas de renuncia (La Poeteca, 2020), El cangrejo ermitaño (Visor/FCU, 2020), and Intensive Care (Alliteration, 2020).

He has also published books of essays, literary analysis and literary anthologies. These titles include: Lecturas desplazadas: Encuentros hispanoamericanos con Cervantes y Góngora (Caracas: Equinoccio, 2009), Itinerarios de la ciudad en la poesía venezolana: una metáfora del cambio (Caracas: Fundación para la Cultura Urbana, 2010), Las palabras necesarias. Muestra antológica de poesía venezolana del siglo XX (Santiago de Chile: LOM, 2010) and Formas en fuga. Antología de Juan Calzadilla (Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 2011).