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Colloquia and Conferences

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Colloquia and Conferences

Thanks to the generosity of the David Ross Boyd family, the department is able to bring in four to six speakers per year to lecture on a variety of topics.


SpeakerFromDateRoomLecture Title
Neil Sinhababu3-4:30pmFriday, Septmber 13th    DAHT 906Pleasure Fundamentalism

Conferences on Special Topics

The department organized conferences on specific topics, attracting national and international specialists. In spring 2011, the department hosted an in-house epistemology conference. In spring 2009, we hosted a conference on Epistemic Goodness. In spring 2007, we hosted Why Formal Epistemology?, an international workshop with speakers Luc Bovens (London School of Economics and Political Science), David Chalmers (Australian National University), Branden Fitelson (University of California-Berkeley), Alan Hajek (Australian National University), Jonathan Kwanvig (Baylor University), Adam Morton (University of Alberta, Edmonton), Scott Sturgeon (University of London) and Paul Weirich (University of Missouri).

The David Ross Boyd Lectures

The David Ross Boyd lecture series was a biennial event in which a philosopher of the highest distinction came to campus for approximately a week to deliver a series of public lectures and (usually) an additional paper to the philosophy department. The previous Boyd Lecturers were Claudia Card (2013), Jerrold Levinson (2011), Elliot Sober (2009), Christine Korsgaard (2007), Hilary Putnam (2005), Julia Annas (2004), Bas van Fraassen (2002), Jerry Fodor (2000), Jaegwon Kim (1998), Martha Nussbaum (1996), Alvin Plantinga (1994), Joel Feinberg (1991), and Donald Davidson (1990).