Graduate Certificate in Applied Research and Program Evaluation
The OU Sociology Department is thrilled to offer a Graduate Certificate in Applied Research and Program Evaluation. This program requires 15 credit hours of coursework and students who complete this certificate will develop skills and connections to succeed in the applied research world.
This certificate provides rigorous training in state-of-the-art applied research and program evaluation, the statistical and computational tools to address important social and policy-based research questions, a foundation in collecting real world data to address a variety of research concerns, and local and national networking to connect with government, non-profit, and private sector opportunities.

- Program Evaluation (SOC5143: 3 credit hours)
- Evaluation Practicum (SOC5713: 3 credit hours)
- Three additional courses in approved methods and statistics course from sociology and allied disciplines (9 credit hours total)
We have rolling reviews of applications for the ARPE Certificate in Fall Semesters
Current OU graduate students in good standing may request to add the degree code of G210 to their student profile. If not currently an OU student, applicants will apply to the Graduate College. For detailed instructions on how to apply, click the following: LINK

Why Complete a Certificate in Applied Research and Program Evaluation?
- Applied research and program evaluation skills are applicable to may different fields and disciplines.
- Program Evaluation contributes to the social good by providing concrete answers to important social and policy questions.
- Professional opportunities within evaluation and applied research are abundant. Program evaluation is one of the fastest growing professions with government, non-profit, and private sector.
- Specialized research skills increase marketability for academics and non-academic jobs.
- We live in an age of accountability and evidence-based decision-making. Evidence on programs, policies, and spending is increasingly valued and in demand.

More Information
If you are interested in learning more about the Graduate Certificate in Applied Research and Program Evaluation (degree code G210), please contact:
Dr. Erin Maher
OU Sociology Department
Email: erin.maher@ou.edu
And set up an information meeting.