Aaron Best
Ph.D., Zoology, 2005 (Wilson lab)
Current Position:
Sutter Instruments
aaron at sutter dot com
Yue Ban
Ph.D., CBN, 2018 (Markham lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yimin Zou lab, University of California, San Diego
yban at ucsd dot edu
Laili Boozary
Ph.D., CBN, 2022 (Wenger lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Darla Kendzor and Jason Oliver, Health Promotion Research Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Laili-boozary at ouhsc dot edu
Doug Bryant
Ph.D., CBN, 2020 (Vincent lab)
Current Position:
Senior Data Semantic Web Engineer, The MITRE Corporation
dougbryant at protonmail dot com
Chien-Fu Fred Chen
Ph.D., CBN, 2011 (Wilson lab)
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences at National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
chienfu.fred.chen at mail.ndmctsgh dot edu dot tw
Dahong Chen
Ph.D., CBN, 2014 (Hewes lab)
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University at Buffalo,
dahongch at buffalo dot edu
Zhicong (Bernard) Chu
M.S., Biology (Markham lab)
Caitlin Crowder
M.S., Chemistry & Biochemistry, 2014 (Burgett lab)
Current Position:
Instructor, Chemistry Department, San Jose State University
caitlin.crowder at sjsu dot edu
Sunetra Das
Ph.D., Biology, 2014 (Durica lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Don Mykles lab, Department of Biology, Colorado State University
sunetra.das at colostate dot edu
Lisa De Stefano
Ph.D., CBN, 2020 (Ethridge lab)
Current Position:
Adjunct Professor, Psychology Department, University of Oklahoma
lisa.destefano at ou dot edu>
Doyle Dodd
Ph.D., Bioengineering, 2013 (Miller/Rennaker labs)
Current Position:
Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma
dodd at ou dot edu
Matthew Finneran
M.S., Biochemistry, 2020 (Burgett lab)
Current Position:
Ph.D. student, Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Michigan
mcfinner at umich dot edu
Max Fletcher
Ph.D., Zoology, 2005 (Wilson lab)
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
mfletch4 at uthsc dot edu
Rob Fogle
M.S., Biochemistry, 2020 (Burgett lab)
Current Position:
Ph.D. student, Anthony Burgett lab, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Robert.S.Fogle-1 at ou dot edu
Clay Foster
Ph.D., CBN, 2016 (West lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Bob Bourret lab, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
clayfos at unc dot edu
Sebastien Gauthier
Ph.D., Zoology, 2008 (Hewes lab)
Current Position:
Institut Necker Enfants Malades, French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Paris, France
sa_gauthier at hotmail dot com
Tingting Gu
Ph.D., Zoology, 2012 (Hewes lab)
Current Position:
Research Scientist, Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory, University of Oklahoma
Tingting.Gu-1 at ou dot edu
Zhaozhe Hao
Ph.D., CBN, 2014 (Berkowitz lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sun Yat-sum University, Guangzhou, China
haozhaozhe at hotmail dot com
Emily Kennedy
Ph.D., Chemistry & Biochemistry, 2016 (West lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Bob Bourret lab, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
emily_kennedy at med dot unc dot edu
Chris Leary
Ph.D., Zoology, 2005 (Knapp lab)
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Mississippi
cjleary at olemiss dot edu

Eric Lee
Ph.D., CBN, 2014 (McCauley lab)
Current Position:
Instructor, Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma
ericmlee at ou dot edu

Neil Markwardt
Ph.D., Bioengineering, 2013 (Rennaker lab)
Current Position:
Staff Mechanical Engineer, Noah Medical
theinimitableneil at gmail dot com
Stephanie Moriceau
Ph.D., Zoology, 2005 (Sullivan lab)
Current Position:
French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)
smoriceau at nki.rfmh dot org

Jonathan Mui
M.S., Zoology, 2012 (Berkowitz lab)
Current Position:
Veterinarian, Harvard Avenue Veterinary Hospital, Tulsa, OK

Chunjing Qu
Ph.D., CBN, 2010 (Hewes lab)
Current Position:
Whole Genome Laboratory, Baylor College of Medicine
chunjing at bcm dot edu

Melody Reese
Ph.D., CBN, 2020 (Ethridge lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Associate, Peri-Operative Neurocognitive Research Team, Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University
melody.reese at duke dot edu

Hiliary Riedmann
M.S., Biology, 2016 (Markham lab)
Current Position:
Science Teacher, Moore High School, Moore, OK
hiliaryriedmann at mooreschools dot com
Tania Roth
Ph.D., Zoology, 2004 (Sullivan lab)
Current Position:
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Delaware
troth at UDel dot edu

Zachary Severance
Ph.D., CBN, 2020 (Burgett lab)
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Anthony Burgett lab, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Zachary.C.Severance-1 at ou dot edu

Drew Sloan
Ph.D., Bioengineering, 2009 (Rennaker lab)
Current Position:
Chief Executive Officer, Vulintus, Lafayette, CO
drew at vulintus dot com

Brandon Stone
Ph.D., CBN, 2019 (Black, Kellawan, & Fuenzalida labs)
Current Position:
Director of Sport Science, University of Oklahoma Athletics Department
brandon.l.stone at ou dot edu
Karen Upton
M.S., Zoology, 2009 (Sullivan lab)
Current Position:
Director of Extension Programs, Metro Technology Centers, Oklahoma City

Tao Zhao
Ph.D., Zoology, 2011 (Hewes lab)
Current Position:
IT Analyst III, University of Oklahoma Libraries
tao.zhao at ou dot edu