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Data Visualization with Python

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Data Visualization with Python

Virtual Workshop

The ability to effectively communicate insights through data visualization is critical to anyone working with or around data. Data professionals who understand how to create beautiful graphics that tell a story are both more marketable and more valuable within their companies. 

In the workshop, Visualizing Data with Python, you will: 

  • Learn to focus your message and narrow your audience
  • Create several types of charts using Python's matplotlib and seaborn libraries
  • Apply design concepts to improve default graphics

Download the syllabus

Registration for this event has closed. Subscribe to our email list to receive updates when new trainings are announced. 

Intended Audience

This workshop is designed to teach fundamental concepts in data visualization using the Python programming language. It is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn how to create better data visualizations. Prior experience with a high-level programming language would be helpful, although it is not strictly required. 

Learn Essential Tools

  1. Jupyter Notebooks: This workshop uses Jupyter Notebooks to demonstrate data visualization in Python. A primer to Jupyter Notebooks is provided.
  2. Python libraries matplotlib and seaborn: Matplotlib and seaborn are the most commonly used libraries for creating data visualizations in Python.
  3. BIG IDEA: The BIG IDEA concept is discussed in Cole Nussbaumer Knafflic's Storytelling with Data. By using this tool to better understand the context of your work, you are more likely to effectively communicate your insights to the appropriate audience.

Event Details

Dates: October 12: 9am - 4:30pm
             October 13: 9am - 12pm

Format: Virtual event hosted through Zoom

Fee: $99.00

Upon completion of this workshop, you will earn an OU Certificate of Completion and 1.0 CEUs.

Click here to register

About the instructor

Brandon Crow is the director of OU's Data Science and Analytics Echo Energy Campus in Oklahoma City. He has worked in data analyst and marketing anayst roles at the University of Oklahoma and for a large, private company. Brandon holds M.S. in Data Science & Analytics and M.Ed. degrees through the University of Oklahoma.