OU Profile Essay
 Write a 3-5 page essay about some aspect of the University of Oklahoma.  Your audience for this essay is any prospective student who has never been on campus before.  The information you include in this essay should be gathered from a variety of sources including your own experience, interviews, surveys, or print texts.

 The most successful essays will:  1.  clearly and completely describe and explain the topic, 2. use an interview with an expert on your topic as a source of information and document this and all other sources of information in a Works Cited page at the end of the essay (See p. 83-103 in Keys for Writers for more information), 3.  be well-organized, 4. address the particular audience thoughtfully, 5.  avoid using And, So, and But at the beginning of sentences, and 6. have scholarly polish.

 To receive full credit for this assignment, you will need to write 2 complete revision letters on classmates’ first drafts and 2 complete revision letters on classmates’ second drafts.  If you are for some reason absent the days we exchange essays, or if you have not prepared your own drafts for exchange, you are responsible for contacting classmates, getting copies of their essays, and writing the revision letters.

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