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Integrity Council

Students with laptops sitting in a lecture hall during class.

Integrity Council

In 2011, the OU Board of Regents approved an Academic Integrity Code that gave students major responsibility for the OU community’s academic integrity system. The students responsible for running this system come from the Integrity Council. The Council’s official duties include chairing academic misconduct hearings, conducting investigations for reported acts of academic misconduct, reviewing academic misconduct cases and recommending sanctions, and assisting with integrity training for students who have violated the Academic Integrity Code.

Council FAQ

In short, Integrity Council members work to educate, adjudicate, and remediate students at the University of Oklahoma.

  • We educate by giving presentations about academic integrity and hosting an annual Integrity Forum.
  • We adjudicate by running the investigations and adjudication hearings that occur if a student contests an accusation of academic misconduct.
  • We remediate by serving as peer educators in integrity training for students who have violated the Academic Integrity Code. 

The Council also hosts a number of events throughout the year to increase awareness of Academic Integrity on campus. These events include classroom presentations, Donut Cheat, Taco 'bout Integrity, and Integrity Week.

The Integrity Council is a registered student organization at OU and falls under the Office of Academic Integrity Programs (OAIP). Students are a key element of the OAIP because they help the process be more transparent and fair, and contribute to fostering a culture of academic integrity at OU.

Any student at the University of Oklahoma!

Because the Integrity Council is the student voice of academic integrity on campus, it is our goal to represent every facet of student life. We try to have students from every college and major on campus, as well as students from many different backgrounds. We welcome international, nontraditional, transfer and graduate students, as well as athletes and members of various student organizations on campus. It is our goal to have as diverse a council as possible so that we are properly representing the students of the University of Oklahoma.

We encourage all students to make their own personal commitment to meeting our high standards of academic integrity at OU, and to hold their peers accountable. Our academic integrity code also allows students to report misconduct they discover.

We believe that students should have a say in protecting the value of their degree. Since all students and alumni are linked to the reputation of the University of Oklahoma, cheating on campus affects everyone, not just those that engage in academic misconduct.

Beyond managing the academic integrity system at OU, the Integrity Council hosts a number of campus activities, including an annual Integrity Week. For more information about upcoming events, visit the events tab.

Applications open every fall.

We encourage all students to apply. Due to the members’ serious responsibilities and sensitive nature of the information handled by the Integrity Council, membership is very selective. In our annual membership drives, roughly one in five applicants are invited to join the Integrity Council. We hold our membership drive each year in the Fall semester. The application process consists of an online application.

Check back here for the 2024 application link and information.

Contact Us


Contact the Integrity Council Chair, Tyler Brassfield, at

Applications & Memberships

Contact the Integrity Council Vice Chair of Operations and Membership, Tré Collins, at

Executive Committee

The Chair of the Integrity Council functions as the chief of the Executive Committee and the Integrity Council. The Chair is responsible for coordinating and presiding over general council meetings, serves as the official liaison between the University administration and the Integrity Council, and fulfills other duties as needed to facilitate operations of the Integrity Council.

The Vice Chair of Operations and Membership (VCOM) assists the Chair in maintaining the operation of the Integrity Council. The VCOM is primarily responsible for overseeing the annual membership drive and maintaining the written records of membership. In the event that the Chair is temporarily unable to fulfill their duties, the VCOM may serve as the Acting Chair of the Integrity Council.

The Vice Chair of Investigations (VCI) is responsible for chairing the Investigations Panel as well as serving as a full member on the Panel. Oversight of the Investigations Panel is conducted in conjunction with the appropriate designee(s) from the Office of Academic Integrity Programs (OAIP).

The Vice Chair(s) of Adjudication (VCA) are responsible for overseeing all academic misconduct hearings. The VCA is charged with recruiting and educating members for hearing panels as well as making sure all panelists conduct themselves in accordance with the Integrity Council’s high standards of confidentiality and neutrality. The VCA also serves as the official liaison of the Integrity Council to faculty members who participate in the hearing process, and is charged with running the Sanctioning Committee, as needed.

The Vice Chair of Reviews (VCR) is respoinsible for overseeing the Appeal Panel responsible for reviewing academic misconduct cases if an appeal is submitted by a current or former student. The VCR will oversee the panelists and advise panelists on issues of policy and fact.

The Social Chair is responsible for serving as chair of the Social Committee and seeks to increase internal membership cohesiveness through Integrity Council social programming. The Social Chair is also responsible for organizing and running the internal aspect of any events of which Integrity Council, as an organization, is a participant (in conjunction with the Chair, VCOM, and VCPRO).

The Secretary is respoinsible for generating meeting minutes for all Integrity Council general council meetings, as well as Executive Committee meetings. Additionally, during a general council quorum the Secretary will tally votes. 

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial oversight. This includes but is not limited to budget projections, tracking of spending, and reporting monthly to the VCOM and yearly to the Registered Student Organizations (RSO) budget committee. The Treasurer is also responsible for requesting funds through RSO.

The Vice Chair(s) of Public Relations and Outreach (VCPRO) is responsible for overseeing all public relations and outreach activities undertaken by the Integrity Council. This includes, but is not limited to, overseeing the Integrity Programming officers as well as all department and organizational liaisons. The VCPRO is also responsible for helping coordinate ongoing education of the Integrity Council, such as new member orientation, training seminars, etc. The VCPRO serves as the official liaison of the Integrity Council to the general faculty of the University and is also responsible for all communication of special events and meetings to members of the student body.

The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the Integrity Council’s official website and an accurate e-mail roster. The Webmaster is also responsible for maintaining the Integrity Council's social media presence to keep Integrity Council members and the University community up-to-date and engaged.