Aminopeptidase P from Drosophila melanogaster.
Aminopeptidase-P (AP-P; X-Pro
aminopeptidase; EC has the unique ability to cleave off the N-terminal
amino acid residue from the peptides having proline as a penultimate amino
acid residue. Several biologically
active peptides and proteins have the Xaa-Pro motif at the N terminus, which
confers resistance to them against cleavage by nonspecific proteases.
Here, we report the purification of a cytosolic aminopeptidase P from
D. melanogaster by immunoprecipitation and its biochemical characterization
using the peptide substrates, substance P and bradykinin.
Table 2. Effect
of divalent metal ions on substance P hydrolysis by Drosophila AP-P: The purified Drosophila enzyme (100ng) was incubated
with the indicated concentration of divalent cation for 15min at 37oC.
On addition of 0.1mM substance P, the samples were incubated at 37oC
for 3hrs. The activity
was analyzed and is expressed as percent of the activity observed
in the absence of added metal ions. Results are the mean values of
duplicate determinations for each concentration which differ by less
than 8%.
Effect of divalent metal ions on the enzyme
activity was also studied. When,
the effect of Mn2+ ions on hydrolysis of substance P and bradykinin
by Drosophila AP-P was analyzed, the enzyme showed a substrate
dependent activity (Table 1). Mn2+
stimulated hydrolysis of substance P at micromolar range, while no effect
on the enzyme activity was observed towards bradykinin hydrolysis.
The higher Mn2+ concentrations inhibited the enzyme activity
towards both the substrates. On the basis of Mn2+ dependence, substrates
for pig kidney membrane bound AP-P were divided into two groups (Lloyd
et al., 1996). The hydrolysis of Group I substrates (b-casomorphin, Gly-Pro-Hyp
and substance P) were substantially stimulated by MnCl2, whereas,
there was no effect on the metabolism of Group II substrates (bradykinin,
Arg-Pro-Pro) at low concentrations of Mn2+. Unlike the human cytosolic AP-P, which
showed stimulatory effect of Mn2+ on the bradykinin hydrolysis
(Cottrell et al., 2000),
the activity of Drosophila AP P towards bradykinin was not affected by Mn2+.
Divalent ions like Ca2+ and Mg2+ stimulated the
hydrolysis of substance P at micromolar (10mM -100mM) concentrations, but
were inhibitory at 1mM concentration. 90% DAP-P activity was inhibited by
1mM concentration of Cu2+.
Co2+ had no considerable effect on the enzyme activity at
lower concentrations, while 1mM concentration inhibited 59% of the activity.
1mM concentrations of Ni2+ and Zn2+ completely inhibited
the enzyme. It was reported that Zn2+ activated the porcine membrane
bound form of AP-P to some extent, in addition to Mn2+ (Lloyd et al., 1996),
while human cytosolic form of AP-P was inhibited by Zn 2+ (Cottrell
et al., 2000). Drosophila AP-P activity was found
to be inhibited by Zn 2+ ions.
Thus, the Drosophila
AP-P showed a manganese dependent activity with an optimum pH of 7.4-7.6 and
is inhibited by Zinc. Both these properties reflect similarities with the
mammalian cytosolic form of AP-P. Ca2+
and Co2+ could stimulate the Drosophila AP-P activity in contrast
to human AP-P, which is inhibited by these metal ions. The enzyme activity
was stimulated by Mn2+ ion in a substrate dependent manner. The
purified soluble Drosophila enzyme is thus metallopeptidase with the ability
to cleave Xaa-Pro bond from peptides like substance P and bradykinin. Presence
of N-terminal Xaa-Pro containing peptides have been documented in Drosophila (Nassel et
al., 1990).
Since, the physiological significance and
the precise role of cytosolic AP-P in mammals have not yet been elucidated,
further study of Drosophila AP-P will be a powerful addition to approaches
available for the elucidation of structure-function relationships of this
important enzyme.
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