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Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan:This is the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan's web-site that gives the historical and recent background of its struggle.
Kurdistan Democratic Party-Iraq: This is the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq's web-site.
The Socialist Party of Kurdistan: This is the Socialist Party of Kurdistan's web-page
Kurdistan Regional Government: This is a web-site for the Kurdistan Regional Government with information on ministry members and a link to the newspaper
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan: This is the web-site for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan that contains Kurdish documents and history.
The Voice of Kurdistan People: Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) web-site
The New Millennium: Re-Development of Kurdistan: This Kirdistan Economic Development site offers information about the aim to set up an independent Kurdistan through shared economy with western companies
Kurd Struggle: This web-site focuses on the Kurdish struggle, and gives information on the Ocalan trial, international Kurdish policy, party information, and more.
The Faili Kurds Homepage: This is the Faili Kurds homepage
Kurdish Observer: This is the web-site for a Kurdish newspaper
Kurdish Satellite Television: This is actually a Kurdish satellite television web-page that broadcasts from Belgium.
AkaKurdistan.com: This is a "a place for collective memory and cultural exchange" between the Kurdish people.
Kurdish Human Rights Project: The Kurdish Human Rights Project is a web-site that works to protect and promote the human rights of all the Kurdish persons living throughout the Kurdish regions.
The Washington Kurdish Institute: This is the web-site of The Washington Kurdish Institute with news, human rights information, and cultural happenings, as well as paintings by many different walks of life.
Kurdish Worldwide Resources: This is a very comprehensive site with information on almost all Kurdish interests including maps, demography, religion, legal documents, political parties, art, and societal issues.
Literature about the Kurds: This is a site about Kurdish literature containing novels and short stories to be bought.
Kurdish Culture in Iran: This is a web-site focusing on promoting the Kurdish people especially the children. Contains essays written by children.
American Kurdish Information Network: This is the American Kurdish Information Network that has information concerning American Kurds, thoughtful essays, and helpful links.
Kurdish Information Network: This is the Kurdish Information Network, with lots of general information.



©2002. Middle Eastern Studies Links - University of Oklahoma (Prof. Joshua Landis).