Middle East and Islam Links Library banner

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Font World: Adobe Arabic and Hebrew Acrobat 5.0-ME software that anyone can download
Arabic2000.com:Software for Arabic learners links to Arabic resources
Morim.com: A site in French/English for Hebrew teachers and those who want to learn Hebrew.
Aleph-Bet: Online Hebrew language exercises for English speakers.
National Center for the Hebrew Language: Ulpan directory, words and roots, literary corner, study tools, teaching tools, Hebrew marketplace, and a calender of events.
Middle East Translation Services: Translation services for Arabic languages which is U.S. based.
The Middle East Gateway: Search engine for Middle East websites, based in Jordan. News in Arabic and English.
A Bequest Unearthed, Phoenicia: The origin, history, geography, alphabet, religion, arts, crafts, trade, language, literature, music, politics, wars, and archaeology of the Phoenicians
Ameen F. Rihani: Arab American literature. Rihani's work is Arab in its culture and English in its language.
Arabic Poems: Poems in Arabic and English and short biographies of Arab poets.
Sumerian Language Page: Information on the culture and history of the Sumerian people
World's Largest Arab Online Community: a web page that links Arabic speaking persons from around the world.
Radio-Locator: Locate radio station websites and hear Arabic broadcasts online



©2002. Middle Eastern Studies Links - University of Oklahoma (Prof. Joshua Landis).