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PetaStore Access on Schooner

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PetaStore Access on Schooner

Follow the steps below to copy files from globally accessible disk, like /home and /scratch, to the PetaStore:

  • Log into the OSCER Data Transfer Node
  • File transfers can be performed in three ways:
    1. From the Schooner Directory where the file(s) reside:
      • Go into the Schooner directory where the file(s) you want to copy to the PetaStore reside, by using the command:
        cd /scratch/yourusername/subdirectory_name
      • Perform the copy command:
        cp whatever.txt /archive/yourusernameorgroupname/policy/subdirectory
    2. From the PetaStore where the file(s) will be copied:
      • Go into the directory on the PetaStore where you want to copy the files from Schooner into, by using the command:
        cd /archive/yourusernameorgroupname/policy/subdirectory
      • Perform the copy command to copy from Schooner to the PetaStore:
        cp whatever.txt /scratch/yourusername/subdirectory_name
    3. From any directory on either Schooner or the PetaStore:
      • Use the full directory path for both the file(s) you want to copy on Schooner, and, where you want to copy to on the PetaStore:
        cp /scratch/yourusername/subdirectory_name/whatever.txt /archive/yourusernameorgroupname/policy/subdirectory

Click here for more information about policy, and to determine which policy on the PetaStore would meet your needs.