Department: John T. Steed School of Accounting
Office: Adams Hall 203A
Phone: (405) 325-4882
Address: 307 W. Brooks Room 203A
Norman, OK 73019
Ashley Davis
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Grant Thornton Faculty Fellow

Ashley Davis is an Assistant Professor in the Price College of Business at the University of Oklahoma serving both the MIS and Accounting departments. Her research interests include agility in organizations, design thinking, and enterprise system modifications. Her work has appeared in MISQ Executive, CAIS, and the Review of Higher Education among others. Her work has been presented at AAA, HICSS, AMCIS, Academy of Management, and SAIS. Before joining academia, Ashley worked in industry for several companies, including Arthur Andersen, LLP (now Accenture). She was President of her own consulting firm specializing in SAP and Supply Chain Management for about 10 years.
- BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma
- PhD, Management Information Systems, University of Georgia
- Davis, A., “Creating relevant accounting courses through collaboration with firms and students”, Business Education Forum, February, 2015.
- Davis, A., “A Conceptual framework for understanding path dependency and technology option evaluation, valuing IT opportunities,” International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol.6 No. 1, 2015. DaSilva, N.,
- Davis, A., “Absorptive capacity at the individual level: Linking creativity to innovation in academia,” The Review of Higher Education, Vol34, No3, pp.355-379 Spring 2011.
- Goodhue, D., Chen, D., Boudreau, MC., Davis, A., Cochran, J., “Addressing business agility challenges with enterprise systems,” MIS Quarterly Executive, 8(2) pp.73-88, 2009.
- Niederman, F., Davis, A., Greiner, M., Wynn, D., York, P., “A Research Agenda for Studying Open Source I: A Multi-level Framework,” Communications of AIS, 18, pp. 129-149, 2006.
- Niederman, F., Davis, A., Greiner, M., Wynn, D., York, P., “A Research Agenda for Studying Open Source II: View Through the Lens of Referent Discipline Theories,” Communications of AIS, 18, pp.150-175, 2006.