Department: Tom Love Division of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Office: Price Hall 3005B
Phone: (405) 325-1638
Address: 1003 Asp Ave., Price Hall 3005B
Norman, OK 73019
Matthew Wood
Professor of Entrepreneurship

Matthew Wood’s research and teaching interest include a cognitive approach to understanding how entrepreneurs evaluate new venture opportunities, understanding the nature and emergence of opportunities, and identifying the drivers of entrepreneurial action. His research has been published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Small Business Economics. He was an editor at the Journal of Business Venturing and serves on the editorial review boards of several leading journals. He is a Representee-at-Large for the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. He received his Ph.D. in business administration from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and M.B.A. from Bradley University. Prior to becoming a professor, he was an entrepreneur in the commercial printing industry.