Department: Tom Love Division of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Office: Price Hall 3050E
Phone: (405) 325-1638
Russ Browder
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship

Russ Browder’s primary research interest concerns the roles of technology and learning in entrepreneurship and innovation. He studies these topics in a variety of contexts, including emerging digital technologies, the maker movement, and crisis response. His research has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Journal of Small Business Management. Prior to joining OU, he completed his PhD in Entrepreneurship and MDiv at Baylor University. He received an International MBA from IE Business School in Madrid, Spain as a Fulbright Scholar. His industry experience includes decades as a global marketing leader in healthcare IT, medical devices, and in the nonprofit healthcare sector. He teaches global entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial leadership at the undergraduate and MBA levels at OU.